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Copying this content just crashes Designer

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As in subject. I am attaching file for testing. Just open the file and try to copy content by pressing ctrl+c. Designer will just close.
Content should be already selected when you open it, but if not just zoom out a little, select everything and press ctrl+c.

I am using Designer

It looks like if you select everything and scale down so much that it is entirely contained inside of canvas - crash is not happening. Not sure if thats always the case but it didnt happened now. So crash may have something to do with content outside of canvas? Hope that helps somehow.


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Hi nezumi,

Do you use Windows Clipboard History or have any other form of clipboard manager running? This is something we're aware of that can happen when using particularly large (pixel wise) documents. Disabling Windows Clipboard History prevented the crash for me.

I'll pass your file along and get the issue bumped with development.

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