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When I export a psd with layer adjustments the masks get stripped out.

I’ve tried both export options, preserve editablity and preserve accuracy but the result is exactly the same.

Am I missing something? 



I’m on Mac (big sur) running photo 1.9.1 purchased directly from affinity rather than via the App Store.

I’m happy to provide the afphoto file and my psd exports if it helps


  • Staff

Hi @deebz,
Thanks for the file. Some layer arrangements/constructs are not supported/lost when you export to PSD. To "fix" your file so it exports correctly do the following:
1 - the red layer (table image): select the clipped mask you have there and drag it over the thumbnail of the table image (the cursor must be over the thumbnail - you should see a vertical blue line/marker appearing on the right of the thumbnail when you are over it - release the mouse at that point. This nests the mask to the image (instead of being clipped) - its thumbnail should now appear on the right of the image's thumbnail  when you collapse the image layer using the arrow on the left of the thumbnail (clipped layers/objects do not display their thumbnails side by side with the parent layer). This will ensure the mask is indeed exported as a mask layer to PSD.

2 - In Affinity apps all adjustments, live filters and fill layers contain a built-in mask. Instead of clipping the masks to the adjustments, use their built-in masks and they will be recognised as adjustment's masks when you export to PSD. For example - create a pixel selection then add and adjustment or live filter with the selection still active - it will be used as a mask for that adjustment. 
To load/transfer the data from the independent masks to the adjustments do the following - I'm using the legs (Black and White adjustment) layer as an example:
- select the mask layer in the Layers panel and go to the Channels panel
- right-click the Mask Alpha channel and select Create Spare Channel
- select the 
Black and White adjustment in the Layers panel
- go to the Channels panel, right-click the Spare Channel you just created and select Load to legs Alpha ( which is the name you gave to that Black and White Adjustments in the Layers panel)
- you can now delete the independent mask. It's data in now contained in the built-in adjustment mask
If you export this file to PSD the adjustment should now have a mask in Photoshop.
Note: currently it's not possible to simply copy/paste data between masks and adjustments/live filters in Affinity Photo etc.

Resuming: nest the masks to the layers (instead of clipping them) to ensure they are exported and recognised as masks in Photoshop. Use the build-in masks of the adjustments/live filters to ensure they are also recognised as adjustment's masks when exported to PSD.


Hi @MEB thanks for getting back to me with the info. The concept learned from years of retouching in PS of adding masking to adjustment layers is hard to shake!

The built in mask does make more sense, so I’m glad to now know it’s there.

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