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Assets elements are zero width, zero height after dragged to an artboard

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I have a multi-artboard document (one of my main design workspaces) which when elements are dragged to it from the Assets panel, these then display as having zero width or height, sometimes with infinite corresponding width or height, or with corresponding zero width / height. These elements & asset category were created alongside a previous copy of this document (in v1.8). What you now see on any of the artboards is either just a dot (zero height / width), or a vertical or horizontal infinite line (zero height or width coupled with infinite height / width).

As I say, this document was created in v1.8 & I'm now on v1.9.

And this issue seems to be just related to this older document, because if I create a new doc (in Designer v1.9.1.979), then it all behaves normally & an element copy is created with the correct dimensions etc.

Can anyone say what's going on with this?



2021-03-03 09_24_20-Window.png

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Hi KC,

This is something we're unfortunately aware of and happens when content is dragged onto an artboard that has been scaled. However it has been fixed by development in the beta which is available. In this instance it is preferable to use this over 1.9.1, however the two can be run side by side.

Please see the link below:


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30 minutes ago, KC... said:

Sean, thanks for your quick reply to this.

Unfortunately the link is for Mac & I'm on Windows...

I see the Windows beta is still 1.9.1, is 1.9.2 available for Windows yet?


Ahhh my apologies! I should have spotted that! We don't currently have an eta for a Windows beta but I don''t expect it to be too far away.

In the meantime as a workaround if you drag the asset on to the pasteboard outside of an artboard you should be able to then drag it over without encountering the scaling you're seeing. As I said this will happen if an artboard has been resized using the Move Tool - so that would likely be why you couldn't reproduce it on a new document.

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