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Unable to delete a brush

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Hi Ervin Hajdú

The 'Test' brush category you have selected, was that previously created after syncing some brushes from My Account? If you restart the application is it then possible for you to delete that brush (don't attempt any other brush first, just go straight for that one)? However if the 'Test' Brush Category is after one you've downloaded from My Account in the list it might still be disabled for you.

If you temporarily remove your downloaded Vector brushes using the My Account dialog to uninstall them you should find the 'Delete' button is then enabled. If this is the case I have reproduced the issue and will get it passed on to development.

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Hi Sean,

It was a completely newly created brush after syncing. I tried restarting the app, it wasn't usefull.

I just tried to reproduce the error and record it on video. The first 3 times the error came up. Video attached. However, it worked well for the 4th time. 😮  And now I can delete the brushes.
So this is a very strange mistake... 🙂

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