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Incorrect slice size when using unsharp mask in AD


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this is probably a bit unusual workflow for AD as it does not offer unsharp mask layer adjustment filter, but I am using it to sharpen the image when exporting graphics to jpg (great for web banners). I found out you can copy the unsharp mask layer from the Affinity Photo and insert it in the Affinity Designer document. It works fine and the output is sharp as expected, but there seems to be an issue with the slice size. It is about 1 pixel off on both sides. You can see the slice is set correctly to specific size, but the actual image size is 2 px bigger. It think this is because the unsharp mask adds extra 1px when there is an object aligned right to the edge. I am attaching a sample file where you can see the issue.




AD version: 1.9.0 running Big Sur 11.3 Beta




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Hi jospo,

Thanks for letting us know. Unfortunately this is a known issue that can happen when using slices created from objects. Currently you will need to manually draw out a slice covering the area you want to export - this will stop those extra pixels getting added.

I'll get your comments passed over to development however and get it bumped.

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