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Text to shapes... (read description)

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Hi, I'm really sure how to word this, but I am trying to select text that I wrote with Affinity Photo and turn into a shape or maybe a vector. What I'm trying to do is lower the size of the the letter ' i ' with changing the actual font size.. I know on Photoshop you can do this.. It puts like points to grab on each letter to readjust where the points are and so on ... Sorry this is really confusing lol.

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hi vzfy,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Select your text, then go to meny Layer ▸ Convert to Curves. Then go to Layers panel and click on the small arrow near the group: each letter was converted into a shape you can select and edit. To move/edit the nodes that compose each letter change to the Node Tool (press and hold over the Pen Tool icon in the toolbar to access it) and just drag them in the canvas. You can drag a selection marquee around several nodes to select them or alternatively press ⇧ (shift) and click on them to select more than one. You can also use the arrow keys to nudge the nodes.

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