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AP 1.9 crashes when exporting to TIF in LAB color

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I already posted about AP 1.9 crashing when trying to open files that are in TIF LAB color, but I also found out this bug seems connected to exporting TIF in LAB color.

I managed to export to TIF 32 bit RGB, and other formats, but for some reason the LAB color space is crashing the program.

I must have triggered 10 or more crashes while experimenting in an effort to isolate this problem.

Each crash report was sent to Apple automatically.

So far the only way I have been able to work on older TIF LAB files that were made with prior versions of AP is to use another utility program to convert those files into PNG 16 bit RGB. I can open PNG files, but I should not have to do this conversion process to work on other files.

Please fix this as soon as possible.

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Hi @DeepDesertPhoto,
Thanks for your report. I've replied to your other thread here. Can you please upload/share a couple of these TIFF's so we can inspect them/check out what's going on please? Thank you.
I'm locking this thread to keep the whole TIFF/LAB issues (open/export) in the same place to be easier to track/follow.

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