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Bounding Boxes Visible on JPG Export

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The bounding boxes on Picture Frames which have inside-aligned strokes are visible when exporting as a JPG.

The attached image with including the Affinity UI shows thin dark lines where the bounding boxes are present. The inner stroke is white.

The other image shows how the bounding boxes are baked into the flattened JPG.


Screen Shot 2021-02-05 at 1.13.37 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-02-05 at 1.15.43 PM.png

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Ensure each Picture Frame object is aligned with the document pixel grid such that it's top left location is an integer quantity of pixels in X and Y, and its W and H are also integer quantities of pixels.

You might find it helpful to enable Force Pixel Alignment in the snapping manager when creating objects that must be pixel aligned to prevent unwanted antialising.

Another tip is to set the displayed quantity of decimal places of values to three or more, so that non-integer values are less likely to be shown as integers in Transform panel and elsewhere. The displayed decimal places controls are in the UI section of the app preferences. Note that this does not affect the real precision of values, and only affects the presentation of the values.

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