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does iPad make type styles hard to code into apps?

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I’m a designer, writer and artist. The apps I use are tools for those areas. Every single one which offers type styles has a very weak and rickety implementation of styles which are hard to edit, apply and which often fail in that they don’t properly affect the text they’re applied to.

The iPad version of Affinity lacks type styles; the Mac version has them. Same with the iPad version of Scrivener (an app for writers) - styles exist but are hard to control; not so for the Mac counterpart.

Is all of this because the iPad / iPad OS makes it hard to code robust stylesheets in apps?

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Hi @VectorCat,

Just so i'm sure, by Type Styles, do you mean Text Styles or Styles in general?

I can't really comment how hard this part of the app is to code, as (thankfully) i'm not a coder.  But i would expect with Affinity Publisher coming to the iPad, then the text styles side of things should improve greatly :) 

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Yes, to clarify, what I am referring to are more conventionally called, “Style Sheets,” wherein the user can define, say, body, headline, caption, inset, callout, etc type styles such that whenever those styles are applied to selected text, that selected text assumes all of the attributes of the style sheet which has been applied to it. So, not merely bold, or italic, or underscore.

An example of a body style sheet might contain all of the following attributes, applied all together, when applied to any selected text:

Helvetica Neue Light, 12pt type size, 14pt leading, Space Before 0pt, Space After 14pt, Tracking -5

Thank you!


Edit: I didn't intend my clarification to sound so pedantic! My apologies. Just wanted to clarify through specificity, not rudeness.  

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