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Layers and odd thing in Affintiy Photo when i sayed program own format

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i saved my project in Affinjity Photo own format. when i open single layer project where i place photo top it in this drawing what i have this single layer goes top of picture even normal layer mode. earlier is fully replaced things what are bottom of layer stack. of course i can put photo back of this layer when looks what i expect. or i forgotted how i used them. actually photos (when i added jpeg to of png) work way what i expect. this affinity fle thing is actually useful doing one thing if use such document in guidelines (they are not part end project) of whole project. they show then top of all elements. oddness is these cases work different way and this affinity documnet way is better actually this what i try do.

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  • Staff

If you have an issue with the Affinity file format and how it's saving, can you please expand on the issue. In terms of image placement, it can depend on which layer/object you have selected at the time of placing. If you don't have any layer or object selected, placed images will go to the top of the layer stack.

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