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Constantly Crashing


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Hi Support,

Since I upgraded to the recent version of Affinity Photo my system just closes down all of time. There is no particular thing I'm doing, it might be stitching a pano, opening an image, right now I'm trying to do a focus stack.

Is there a patch or something that will fix this. It is incredibly frustrating.

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  • Staff

Hey aneiwand, welcome to the Affinity Forums :) 

If you're crashing when stitching a panorama or doing a focus stack, you could be seeing a common crash in the Nvidia driver. Do you have any crash reports in:

Affinity Store version - Go to %AppData%\Affinity\Photo\1.0\CrashReports\reports

Microsoft Store version - Go to %AppData%\Affinity\Photo\1.0 (Store)\CrashReports\reports

Do you also have Capture One installed? If so, which version? If you have an Nvidia card, which version is the driver?

Finally, can you go to Preferences > Performance and change the renderer to WARP and see if you can stitch/stack?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Staff

Hey aneiwand,

You're definitely seeing the Nvidia dll crash. We think this related to Capture One's Explorer integration. Either turning it off can potentially resolve this or uninstalling/reinstalling Capture One has solved it for some others. 

We've told Nvidia about this but I think Capture One needs to sort something their end.

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