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Affinity always crashing on save


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I'm afraid is not as simple. I've not had any luck repairing the file :( . It would be really helpful if you could remember doing anything to the <portion> or the SVG?

Things like the way you imported the SVG, the way you populated the normal pages, the way you contracted the masters. 


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Wow !

I don't remember much. SVG was imported by a simple drag&drop. I don't know what you refer as <portion>, I certainly didn't edit the SVG manually ! I remember trying to double-click the icon to edit it, as I wanted to assign a color to the icon directly (but found my way out through the Layers effects).

But I guess the software shouldn't crash in such case: maybe a warning about what's corrupt? and proposing to repair or remove the corrupted parts?

Sorry to not being able to provide you more details.

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