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App stuck when using "Intersect"


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Affinity Designer Version 1.8.4.

I've just found a quite simple scenario where Affinity Designer gets completely stuck, and one has to Force-Quit the App to get out of it:

Open the attached file. Select both shapes, select "Intersect". An activity indicator is shown that never goes away, and cannot be cancelled (as far as I know).


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Hi @Apfel,
Sorry the delay getting back to you. It's not possible to perform boolean operations between lines and shapes in Affinity apps (only between shapes). When in presence of an open shape (a line), Affinity closes it (connecting the start and end points directly) before performing the boolean operation with other shapes. If you want to perform boolean operation with lines/stokes convert them to shapes first going to menu Layer > Expand Stroke. In you example however this will lead to nothing because the intersection of the area of the (expanded) line with the circle is just the area occupied by the line inside of the circle.

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