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"Toggle Fill Context" Missing From Keymap?

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Hi! I was doing some modification to my keymap in Photo and ran into a problem with the Toggle Fill Context hotkey. I can't find it anywhere. There's from 2017 saying it's listen in Miscellaneous, but I've just been through there and the entire rest of the list (so long) and it just doesn't appear to exist anymore.

What I was hoping to change is a little odd, too. Currently, the X hotkey seems to change focus between the foreground and background colors, but I'd instead like a hotkey that swaps them, just as the double-arrow button in the color palette does.

Anyway, sorry if I just missed it, but I think I was pretty thorough. If it's been moved somewhere besides Miscellaneous, I'd love to know. :)

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Oh, and the reason I wanted to swap them... The Fill hotkeys under Edit specify "Fill with Primary Color" or "Fill with Secondary Color," but the functionality I'd prefer would be to fill with whichever is currently the Foreground color. I guess it's just a little bit odd that we can swap the colors in those banks OR swap the foreground/background nature of those banks, and tools do not react to that difference consistently.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and cheers!

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On 10/3/2020 at 11:56 PM, CJ Randolph said:

but I would suggest the option be renamed "Swap Foreground and Background Colors" or something similar inside Photo

Yes, you are probably right here. I will put this forward—cheers :) 

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