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Apply to Master Pages: Specific Pages issue

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I’ve almost completed the Publisher course by Affinity Revolution.. Which I really enjoy. The young lady, Ally, is just an amazing instructor.

Unfortunately, I’ve run into a strange problem.

(FYI I’m at 6:40 in the Mary Trotter Book set up document lesson and that’s when things got weird.)

I created my guidelines for the book I'm creating on Master Page A, I then right click and Duplicate. I then highlighted the duplicate (Master Page B) and created my page numbers. Yet I see the page number indicators (#) don’t appear on B, rather they appear on Master Page A!?. I have B highlighted though when Im creating the page numbers, and I’m creating them on Master Page B. Even when I right click on Master Page B, In the dialog box I choose Specified Pages and input 10-55 in Master Page B. (BTW, "Replace Existing" is checked, and since I’m in 1.8, there is “Clear" and “Migrate." Migrate is toggled. I click OK. But instead of page numbers appearing on 10-55, they only appear on pages 1-9). It must be something really silly, I just can’t get anywhere, and I’ve tried 5 times in a row, even closed the program and re-opened.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, because I cannot advance until I get this right.

Thank you!

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Additionally to the page icon border colours (blue: selected / gray: 'current') the page numbers shown in the bottom left corner of the document window indicate the currently active page(s). You also can type a page number in this field to navigate to a page. Note that the page displayed in the center of the document window does not necessarily have to be the currently active page (pages panel icon: gray border). These activated pages are called in Affinity "current" pages, which also is used as an option in the export or print dialog windows.

The page icons with a blue border in the pages panel indicate a selected icon, you can have more than 1 selected and use this selection to edit page/spread properties, to move or to delete these selected pages.


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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