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Divide, Cut, Path a shape(s), line(s) using a Line

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I know how to mask a complex vector object to make it look like it has been Divided/Cut by another Line.


(see attached)


Is there a way to divide multiple vector objects with a Line though?


Using Illustrator Path Tools I believe the selection was Outline (could  be wrong) but there is only one choice when using an open line and not a closed shape from what I remember.


The result split the Objects intersected by the line.  You could then "Break" each part away. 







Bar Break DIM.afdesign

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Hi Marsofearth,


There is currently no way to do this within the App. However a Knife tool is something that is on our Road Map which means it will be added in the future. Hope this helps :)




Glad to hear the Knife Tool is on the roadmap


I don't use the knife tool very often though.  Most of my vector graphics that I need to "Chop" require a "Quicker, more accurate" way of dividing vectors into pieces

Unless of course the Knife Tool implementation is completely different from how Illustrators is...


Looking at Illustrators Pathfinder Pallet is a good starting place to re-create/improve upon, judging by how many people use it.


I'll continue to quick mask, and when I have to use Illustrator or other vector app to divide.


Thank you!

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