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Hello. I am having HUGE issues with Affinity Publisher v1.8.3.641. I built a 216 page document. Each page is the front or back of a card for a card game. Each card face was added using PLACE, which created a LINK to each card. Each card is different and was created in Affinity Designer, consisting of several layers. Initially, the completed file saved fine. However, I made a change to ONE of the cards in Designer. Opened Publisher and got the following warning:

Linked Resource Changed ... Modified Outside the Application

No worries, I thought. But then, that's when all the troubles began. I clicked the Resource Manager button the dialog that had appeared and nothing happened. The program hung. After 20 minutes of waiting, I forced the program to shut. I opened the Publisher file again. It opened fine and displayed the same warning. I ignored it. This time, I simply tried to save the document under a new version number (document_1 saved as document_2, for example). The save dialog appeared ... then nothing. I literally walked away for 20 minutes and nothing happened. The bar that shows how far the save has gone never even started. Publisher was hung again. I had to force exit. No matter what I do, I cannot save, save as, or do anything with this file. I'll have to totally recreate the entire file again. But I am reluctant to do so. Why? Because this is the second time I've had to do that! The first file did the exact same thing. 

Also, as a side note - despite owning a license to all three Affinity products and having them all installed, Publisher does not see the other two ... at least not all the time. Sigh.

In any case, is there any way to save this file so I don't have to spend hours recreating it yet again? Any ideas here? Any help would be appreciated.


Hi SilverSurfer1221 :)

My sincerest apologies for the delayed response, unfortunately due to the current circumstances our response time is longer than normal. We're working hard to keep on top of things, so many thanks for your patience and understanding here.

Unfortunately this isn't something I've encountered before and I'm certainly sorry to hear it has happened multiple times with your document. Unfortunately without direct access to your machine this may be a little hard to diagnose, however hopefully we can resolve this and recover your document.

Could you please try closing any open documents, then in your file manager navigate to the .afdesign that you most recently changed (that you're seeing a warning pop-up for when opening your document) and move this to a different location, breaking the 'link' within Publisher.
Now, reopen the Publisher document and you should hopefully see a warning that the file is missing. Open the Resource Manager and re-link this file to it's new location, then try saving your document once again.

Does this save now complete as expected?

Could you also please confirm for me, where are you storing your linked .afdesign files please? ie. are these on a secondary drive, an external drive or the cloud etc?

Many thanks in advance!

  • 2 weeks later...

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