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Hi everyone,

I'm new to Affinity and also bought the suite on the sale. There's a lot to like and it could be an excellent alternative to Adobe, but it's crippled by some unfortunate decisions in the UI and some glaring omissions in functionality. I've worked with Photoshop professionally since 1992 (before it even had layers!) and that's my area of expertise so I'll limited my observations to Affinity Photo.

  • First, the layer palate is non-standard and needlessly obscure. I like that clipped layers are hidden until you click the main layer carrot, but they should appear above when you do, not below! And the mask thumbnail should remain in position next to the layer thumbnail, not drop below. The stacking order in the palate should coincide with the stacking order in the file!  I've also had an issue with some or all of the thumbnails disappearing in the layers palate
  • The channels palate  is arranged well and has the ability to copy 1 or more of the RGB channels to the spare channels, then it drops the ball, giving no way to view or edit the copied channels (applying adjustments, dodging/burning, painting, selecting sections & transforming, etc). Also no way to overlay the spare channel on the work image.
  • No Puppet Warp! The last major improvement to Photoshop IMO. I use this extensively compositing images together. On a smart object it's non-destructive and you can adjust the layer opacity to view the alignment with the lower layers as you manipulate it. Liquify is limited  by comparison. At least Affinity Photo applies Puppet Warp to smart objects when you open a PSD unless you choose to keep them as smart objects.
  • No option to change the modifier keys for mouse/pen actions like resize brush, rotate canvas, etc.
  • Radial blur is rotation only?

There's a lot I like about Affinity besides the price and lack of subscription, I love the look, the interconnection  between apps, many of the tools and functions. But the screwy layer palate and the lack of direct editing of channels severely limit it's usefulness (at least for me).

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