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When zooming with the ctrl+wheel on an image there are various black boxes that appear in random areas of the image as it is redrawn. If I concentrate on an area I see that it is pixelated until it goes black and then redrawn. It does this reasonably fast but not fast enough for me not to notice.

I have tried the steps in the post here and all drivers are up to date but it has not improved at all.

I am only on day 2 of using AP so maybe I need to set my expectations. Great software though guys.

My performance tab is below. My machine is a XPS 15 7590 with 32gb



Any tips to improve the experience?

Edit: I have attached a screen recording of what I am experiencing. 



Edited by RLS
Added video of issue.
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Welcome to the forums :)

Does this only happen when you have a marching ants selection? We use the GPU to render our marching ants so it can be hardware intensive at times.



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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20 minutes ago, Callum said:


Welcome to the forums :)

Does this only happen when you have a marching ants selection? We use the GPU to render our marching ants so it can be hardware intensive at times.



Hi Callum

That was it! I have to say I hadn't even noticed I had the whole canvas selected.

Thanks Rob 

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