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I've been asked to provide a screen recording. How do I do this?

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Swipe down from top right of screen to display the Control centre and tap the Record button.

You may need to add the screen recording option to the Control centre first. To do this open Settings > Control Center > Customize Controls, then tap the + next to Screen Recording.


See this Apple support article:

Windows 10:

You can use built in Windows 10 feature designed for recording gameplay.

  1. To get started, simply press the Windows Key + G KeyDoing this will open the Windows 10 Game Bar. (If nothing happens, that means you need to go to the Windows Store and download the Game Bar app. If it still doesn’t load, click on Start – Settings – Gaming – Game Bar and make sure it’s turned On)
  2. To start recording, click the Start Recording button (the circle with the black dot). Alternatively, you can press Windows Key + Alt + R. You will now see a small recording icon in the top right hand of your screen.
  3. At any point you can click the Stop button to stop recording, or you can press Windows Key + Alt + R again to stop it.

To access your new recording, go to This PC, Videos, then Captures. You’ll find all of your new saved recordings there. By default, your recordings will be named after whichever program you have open and in view at the time.

Windows 11:

Use the Snipping Tool built into Windows 11 to record your screen.

  1. In the taskbar Search field, type Snipping Tool and click the search result.
  2. Select the Video camera icon (Record).
  3. Draw a selection over the entire screen or just the app.
  4. Click the Start button in the top center of the selection.
  5. Record your workflow and when finished click the Stop button.
  6. Click the Save icon in the top right or CTRL+S and specify your save location
  7. Close the Snipping Tool

Now browse to the save location to retrieve the file to send.

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