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Trying to round trip simple Nuke/Foundry > Affinity Photo > Nuke/Foundry in order to exploit Affinity's ability to work in scene linear float color space.

Source file is UHD4K 3048x2160 with a visible area of 1280x720 clipped by bounding box.

After working in Affinity and exporting back into Nuke I end up with a file that is 6400x3600 with the bounding box resized to 3050x2162 w the origin set to Top Left

Why ? Have tried hard but can't seem to find any workaround this just seems to be broken !

Enc screenshots but have had to obscure picture content for confidentiality.



Posted (edited)

In case it matters:

MacPro 2013 10 Core 2x D700 64Gb Ram

Mac OS Sierra, Affinity Photo Latest, Nuke 11.5vx > latest

Repro Steps:

  • Open supplied Nuke script.
  • Export 1 fr of cropped/bounding box exr.
  • Open and edit in Affinity > export with default exr options.
  • Import edited exr into nuke and compare with original.

Result :

Imported file is the wrong size / bbox is reset to original image size +/- 1 pixel.

Attached vendor neutral images and nuke script.


Edited by Andrew Mumford
Updated repro steps & vendor neutral images

Just confirmed this is still happening in 1.8.

Can I please get some feedback as to whether this bug has been logged or not - I would love to use Affinity in my workflow but will have to abandon it and go back to PS if this get's no traction ?!


Andrew Mumford

  • 2 months later...

I have the same bug under windows 10 using affinity photo

Exr exports from affinity photo at the wrong size and is padded with black

My round trip is blackmagic fusion to affinity photo and back to blackmagic fusion

As a pro matte painter working in linear colour with affinity would be amazing but it needs to be reliable 

Clearly it's not an issue with Nuke, Fusion or the operating system 

  • 7 months later...

Hi! I've came across the same issue while testing a Nuke, Affinity roundtrip and found a solution.

You have to crop your image before exporting it from Nuke. Simple 🙂

Alternatively inside AP you go to Document > Margins >  disable Include Margins

Hope that helps!

@ Affinity Team

Is there a specific reason or thought behind the way AP is reading/writing those files that way or is it a bug? Would be nice if this could be addressed for a future release. Thanks a lot for the clarification. 

Best wishes


  • 3 weeks later...

This is very definitely a bug - EXR spec's and workflow is specifically designed to allow both arbitrary multiple "layers/channels" as well as support for image data that fall outside the bounding box of the visible data !

Cropping inside of Nuke prior to exporting destroys that data and so make's the workflow useless. AP should correctly support the display of all pixel data with a properly set pixel origin without having to disable "Include Margins" and presumably making the data unavailable for use.

Again it's a bug for sure since it doesn't correctly follow the spec.

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