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When I start Affinity Publisher on my T430 laptop with Windows 10 I get a flash at the top of the screen which lasts about a second saying Affinity Publisher is not responding. This also happens on Affinity Designer but Affinity Photo has not done this. This is only temporary and the program carries on working properly afterwards. I just think it is a bit strange and wonder if anyone else has this symptom. I do see that fontdriver host is activated and takes a while to finish its processing in the background and wonder if this is something to do with it.


I have 892 installed fonts. 16 GB ram. Core i5 Duo third gen processor. I'm running from ssd. Process Lasso is running in the background to help prevent system lockups.

Publisher Version

Interestingly after loading and closing Publisher a few times this behaviour reduces. So I'm wondering if it is something to do with Windows 10 memory management issues.


On further experimentation I think this maybe a Process Lasso related issue. Curiously disbling the setting Do not act on processes of non-normal priority corrects the fault.

It maybe that the process priority disparity of some processes in relation to the non-affected processes may cause a delay which windows briefly reports as a not responding task. As the process will then catch up it will correct itself.

This is something other users may need to be aware of.



To sum it up:

i5-3xxxx: well....
16GB of RAM: ok
Windows 10: ok, I personally don´t like it and will try to stick with 8.1 a long as possible, but that's offtopic...
Process-Lasso:  a task-"management"-Tool; you installed it because  ?..... there are often performance hiccups? If not: try to disable it.
almost 900 Fonts... and no font-management-Software? = the fonts are all active all the time?  I don´t think that Windows is at last good enough to handle this properly..

kind regards

On 2/23/2020 at 4:14 PM, Fritz_H said:

To sum it up:

i5-3xxxx: well....
16GB of RAM: ok
Windows 10: ok, I personally don´t like it and will try to stick with 8.1 a long as possible, but that's offtopic...
Process-Lasso:  a task-"management"-Tool; you installed it because  ?..... there are often performance hiccups? If not: try to disable it.
almost 900 Fonts... and no font-management-Software? = the fonts are all active all the time?  I don´t think that Windows is at last good enough to handle this properly..

kind regards

Thanks for the assessment. I think the number of fonts is probably the issue. Disabling Process Lasso doesn't really help. I removed a few fonts which I don't use and the problem reduced . The trick is knowing which ones are essential pre-installed fonts and which can be removed safely.

Actually the font folder reports 594 items. It must count differently to the font manager.


I've finally found the solution to the problem. It is a windows issue in Windows 10. If you are working on older hardware then the default HungAppTimeout valuse of 5000 milliseconds my not be enough. The key was available in Window 8.1 and earlier to edit the value. Simply re-adding the key in the registry and increasing the value will prevent Windows prematurely thinking that a process has hung.

Here is a link which should help illustrate how to alter it in Windows 10.




My suggestion:
install font-management Software, try to exclude the Publisher Application-Folder from the live-Virus-Scan, reset Publisher to factory-Defaults, disable all "Voodoo-tools" like Process-Lasso etc.

regarding this...


I removed a few fonts which I don't use and the problem reduced . The trick is knowing which ones are essential pre-installed fonts and which can be removed safely.

Answer is here:  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/fonts/windows_10_font_list

I think you should avoid to have the same font installed/active in different "flavors" (TTF, OTF, PS) at the same time.

For Font-Management you may try 
Fontbase  https://fontba.se/
NexusFont  http://www.xiles.net/

kidn regards

  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/25/2020 at 10:48 PM, MikeW said:

Isn't that setting only applicable to shut down or restart of Windows? That is what the article is about. 

Yes it is about windows shutdown but the value seems to prevent Windows 10 from prematurely assuming a program has hung  whilst the system is still running. Not just at shutdown.


Your original posts asks if anyone else has the problem identified as a not responding (briefly) when you start your Affinity applications. I don't and haven't even on a much less powerful laptop with less RAM.

Have you tried removing the Process Lasso application, rebooting and seeing if that brief not responding message is still happening?

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