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I designed a 16 page A4 brochure in the previous beta version of APub and had this successfully professionally printed and it was exported for the web. I had to make a small amendment to an email address on a couple of pages. When I came to export using the same settings many of the images in the picture frames, or shapes converted to picture frames, are either missing or corrupt, this happens more on the web image resolution around 96dpi but is still there on some with the 300dpi. The previous exported PDF for printing opened in the stable version and I was able to make the amendment there without downgrading the beta to the previous version

I know the photos are not the best quality but they were all I had to work with and did not cause the printer much problem. I am on Windows 10, of you can provide the link I will upload the file


Alan Pickup

Windows 11 Home all Affinity suite of Apps PC and Gigabyte Laptop 16gb Ram and Nvidia GTX1660 Super on each.


Since submitting the above topic I have opened the file on my PC, the previous export having been on my laptop, and everything appears OK. I have made sure all the images are now embedded as I use one drive on the same network for both my PC and laptop and will try on my laptop later and see if that cures the problem and report


Alan Pickup

Windows 11 Home all Affinity suite of Apps PC and Gigabyte Laptop 16gb Ram and Nvidia GTX1660 Super on each.

  • Staff

If the images are blurry/missing on export be sure that the resource manager states all images are OK before exporting.

If that's the case and it still doesn't look right let us know

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

  • 2 weeks later...


I have come across this issue again in 556 and I am not sure whether this is linked to my using one drive or another issue, but it seems to fix itself as I go along without me changing any settings. 

I needed to do a photo contact sheet of images to send for someone to chose which they wanted in the document. First couple of exports to pdf I got some of the images either blanked or corrupted. Checked resource manager appeared to be no issue and the images where all linked. Tried the same sheet with the print command, everything OK. Tried export using the same images in 1.7 again no issues. When back to the .556 file and tried export again and they came out OK. I have the PDFs if that would help if you send me a dropbox link as these are personal photos 


Alan Pickup

Windows 11 Home all Affinity suite of Apps PC and Gigabyte Laptop 16gb Ram and Nvidia GTX1660 Super on each.

  • Staff

It would be useful to see the afpub file and have access to all the linked resources (or embed them), if you could upload that here I'll take a look and see if I can reproduce any of this behavior

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com


Files uploaded, as I say this happened previously with another file done in bete with 16 pages, again stored on One Drive, however non beta does not seem to have a problem


Alan Pickup

Windows 11 Home all Affinity suite of Apps PC and Gigabyte Laptop 16gb Ram and Nvidia GTX1660 Super on each.

  • Staff

If you embed all the images do you find the behavior more consistent? This isn't the first report of something like this but I haven't reproduced anything yet

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com


HI Jon

No I did not have Auto update images when edited externally" ticked in Preferences, did an export and the last image came out blank in a shade of Brown. Then ticked the box shut down opened the file again still the same with the last image. Shut down opened file again and embedded all images using resource manager and export came out correct. Just to note the images where not embedded in the test I did with 1.7 version which exported correctly. Also this sometimes corrects itself which makes me think it is an issue reading the networked one drive, although it is saved as a local copy also. I have had some issues recently with outlook selecting the network version rather than the local version. I am using Office 365 One Drive which seems to be causing problems with sharepoint lately.


Alan Pickup

Windows 11 Home all Affinity suite of Apps PC and Gigabyte Laptop 16gb Ram and Nvidia GTX1660 Super on each.

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