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Slice names do not update when original Layer/Group name is updated


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[Business requirement]

Creating sets of icons. I would like to prepare a set of icons but I don't have a current set of names, sizes  for them so I am creating easily exportable groups with constrained size NxN pixels made possible by adding invisible rectangle to each icon.


Now when I go to Export persona I can create slice form this group and have it's name used as a slice name, size from the "Grouping Rect" and it's positon.

When I made changes to the group itself the size was updated correctly, the positon followed the icon but changing the group name did not updated the slice name.

Since I am able to move, scale and change icons in Draw Persona I would like to also maintain their names there without maintainig the slices themselves.

And since it works on Artboards I expect it to be a bug.

[Steps to reproduce]

1) Create a  few objects and group them.

2) Assign a name to a group.

3) Go to 'Export Persona' and create slice for this group from Layers->Select group->Create Slice

4) Move group around, change it's scale or add/remove some objects.

5) Change name of the group.

[Current result]

Size, positon and changes made to group are also updated on exported slice, except for the group name

[Expected result]

Name should also updated.


Using Artboards for every single icon. But that would be an overkill and I lose the ability to quickly add "Layer effects" like outline to all the icons at once since effects are not passed to children from the artboard(1 child/group in this case scenario).

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Okay quick addition to the subject: Adding new objects to group not always resizes slice rigth away. Reload of document is needed for a document to update slice size with new objects. But even without reload export works for whole group even with new objects added.

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