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Adjustment Tab: Don't apply automatically

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I cannot imagine that this hasn't been discussed before, but a simple search of this forum didn't reveal a similar topic, hence my feature request post today.


When I display the Adjustment tab and then click once on anything (Recolor, B&W, Posterise, etc.), that adjustment appears automatically in the Layers tab.  But most of the time, I just want to click once and take a look at what the default 3 choices are.  Maybe I don't even want to see that adjustment at all.  


So the way things are now, I have all these adjustment layers stacking up even though I didn't want to apply any of them.  


Some people may like the existing functionality, so perhaps adding a Preference would be best.  Allow me to DISABLE the automatic application of the adjustments when I merely click on their name in the Adjustments tab 1 time.  Create the adjustment layer only when I then click on one of the 3 options (e.g., Default or Cold or Warm, for "Black & White") or when I move one of the sliders in that particular adjustment's dialog.


All said, I really don't like it when I just click once on an adjustment and then it becomes a new layer.



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