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I have tried everything i have found to make my margins come back. I have checked and unchecked and rechecked again the Show Margins command. Margins were there when I first opened the document this morning. Then suddenly they disappeared. Nothing I have found seems to answer the question. In fact, the only show command that seems to work is Show Grid. When I double or triple click in a text box nothing happens until i toggle preview mode. What have I done wrong? Help!

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  • Staff

Hi @Drinac

Welcome to the forums.

Did you purchase the app from the Mac App Store or the Affinity Store?

If you purchased from the Mac App Store could you try these steps please:

Go to Macintosh HD\Users\username\Library\Containers\
rename the 'com.seriflabs.affinityPublisher' folder to 'com.seriflabs.affinityPublisher.old'
Start Publisher
This will have reset all of your settings so please note all of your assets, brushes, etc will not be there. Currently these are stored in the renamed folder so we can look at getting them back if this works for you. If Publisher does load up, could you zip up and attach a copy of the 'com.seriflabs.affinityPublisher.old' folder please?

Instead if you purchased from the Affinity Store could you try these steps please:

Go to Macintosh HD\Users\username\Library\Application Support\
rename the 'Affinity Publisher' folder to 'Affinity Publisher Old'
Start Publisher
This will have reset all of your settings so please note all of your assets, brushes, etc will not be there. Currently these are stored in the renamed folder so we can look at getting them back if this works for you. If Publisher does load up, could you zip up and attach a copy of the 'Affinity Publisher Old' folder please?

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