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Problems when switching between the lines styles


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I have a problem when I change styles between the lines and then want to create a new brush-print curve.
I first made a normal solid line, then switched to the texture brush to pick different lines for the design.
Because I had not found a suitable texture brush, I switched back to the solid lines and wanted to create a new line style with the brush pressure. But at this moment the line changes back to the last texture brush.
I have not succeeded in maintaining the line style I have chosen, and the line weight can no longer be adjusted.
So I had to draw a new line to use strength and pressure.

I am using Windows 10 Pro 64Bit in the current version.

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  • Staff

Hi PaRunk,

Do you find the textured brush goes away if you reset the pressure? There is a known issue that if a brush has pressure then switching back to a regular line style will still display the textured brush.

If this isn't what you are seeing are you able to get a screen recording that demonstrates the behaviour please?

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Picture 1.  Line created
Picture 2.  Line styles on textured brush
Picture 3.  Linienstyle put back
Picture 4.  Window for brush pressure opened and set new point. The line changes again to the structure brush.
Picture 5.  Only after I have created a new line, I can use the curve for the brush pressure, without the structure brush appears.


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