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Found 6 results

  1. Australian "digger" wearing the "slouch hat" leans against the wall of a typical Libyan roadhouse, giving his feet a well deserved break. The wall has been decorated with an advertisement for Griffith's tea made by an obviously most talented Autralian sapper. Also leaning on the wall is the superb British .303in. Bren machine gun. Pretty far away from home... The graphics is a wild mixture of coloured photo (digger's head), ArtPose body, Bren gun scale model image and own drawings.
  2. Italian Autoblinda AB41, burned out in the Libyan desert, 1942. Original XARA drawing heavily post-processed with the wonderful AP 1.
  3. Havn´t been here for a while, job and life taking just too much time. But recently I had two days and managed to fire up the Affinity for some aviation artwork. For a while now I have had a P40 on my mind and thought it was as good a time as any. So here is my take on the great P40 Warhawk.
  4. First in a selection of iconic to lesser known armored vehicles, deployed by both Allied and Axis forces during World War Two. Basically an exercise intended to further streamline a personal workflow drawing with AD via vector and/or raster layers, rendering complex hard surface objects plus incidentally this current WIP has been an off/on project over the preceding 2 month period. It's supposed to be a M-26 "Pershing" Medium/Heavy Tank one of an initial batch of 20 vehicles shipped over to the European theatre in the closing months of the war, designated Operation: "Zebra Mission" as a replacement for the venerable M-4 'Sherman'. Thus arriving too late to make any tangible difference operationally but nonetheless more than held it's own when pitted against German Panthers and Tigers. So at the moment, about 60% complete however hope to have it done-'n-dusted by next update, alongside other artwork I'd posted previously on this board 🙂
  5. Russian WW2 B-4 203mm Howitzer, heavily weathered in AP
  6. British "General Grant" Medium Tank in Desert camouflage of 1942. My first large project in Affinity Designer as I usually draw in Xara Designer. AD is phantastic, but still lacks some of XD's features like blend, mesh etc. Oliver, www.o5m6.de
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