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  1. Hi, I hope you can understand my poor English :unsure: I tried to make a poster from an Illustartor-tutorial. There is a hill with 2 peaks of snow. In the AI-version is a eraser-tool used, to achieve a rough edge of the snow. AD does not have an eraser, so I used the vector-brush-tool. And it worked well. But the colour of the hill was not satisfying, so I did change it. And also, I wanted to change the colour of the vector-brush. And that did not work at all. I made a video using the history of AD. There are 2 videos, they are showing a simple version in 2 ways, because it was not possible to record the layer-palette and the history completely on one screen. I wanted to change the dark blue colour to another one (not that awful green, but it's good for demonstration purpose), either the hill as well as the erased snow, but the snow should stay white. As you can see, that either the dark blue erased object, made by the vector-brush, did not change the colour to green, or the snow became green. What is wrong? How can I change the colour of the brushed snow from dark blue to green? Video 1.zipVideo 2.zip Falls jemand besser deutsch versteht als ich englisch schrieben kann: Ich wollte das Beispiel für ein Poster, das für den Adobe Illustrator erstellt wurde, in AD nachbauen. Da das Problem jederzeit reproduzierbar ist, habe ich eine vereinfachte Version des Vorgangs aufgezeichnet. 2 Videos deshalb, weil die Farbauswahl, die Ebenenpalette und die History nicht gleichzeitig auf dem Bildschirm Platz hatten. Ich habe also einen dunkelblauen Berg erstellt, einen hellblauen Himmel und 2 weiße Ellipsen für die Schneespitzen. Diese Ellipsen wurden dann unter den Berg gezogen. Im Original wurde im AI ein Eraser benutzt, um die runden Kanten des Schnees rau zu machen. Da ich im AD keinen Radierer kenne, habe ich den Vektorpinsel mit der Farbe des Bergs verwendet. Das hat auch gut funktioniert. Als ich dann beim Poster langsam fertig wurde stellte ich fest, dass ich die Farbe des Bergs etwas ändern wollte, was ja auch kein Problem war. Allerdings musste ich auch den Bereich, der mit dem Vektorpinsel erstellt wurde, an die neue Farbe des Bergs anpassen. Zur besseren Darstellung habe ich absichtlich ein helles grün genommen. Damit bin ich gescheitert. gegen Ende der Videos erkennt man, dass ich die Farbe nicht ändern konnte bzw., dass sich die Farbe des weißen Schnees geändert hat. Weiß jemand, was ich da falsch gemacht habe oder hätte ich ein anderes Werkzeug anstelle des Vektorpinsels verwenden müssen?
  2. Hi all, Small question on brushes. In Affinity Designer we have the option to work with vector and raster brushes. We can also import brushes. I noticed that when I imported "DAUB | Comics Basic Set.afbrushes" in vector mode ("draw persona"), this set was not available, but is available in the raster mode ("pixel persona"). So, from this I conclude that *.abr or *.afbrushes are vector or raster specific. Is that a correct conclusion? Is there a possibility to use the same set of brushes in both vector and raster mode? Hope my questions are clear. O
  3. I'm trying to find a better way of working with parallel lines and monolines. I had to create recently an infinity symbol (see attached). Working with Symbols wasn't going to help. If I could wrap my head around it, I probably could have "gridded" it with circles. In the end what I did was to create a custom vector brush of three lines (see graphic), and try to work with that. But it wasn't easy or optimal. Corners were tough (see graphic) and I couldn't really get the shape I wanted because of that. But the main issue is that a custom vector brush is basically made from a raster image, then repeated or stretched. First, it cannot be expanded. Second, the output is not pure vector. So in effect, it's pretty useless to me. What I'm left with is basically a decent graphic within AD that I can export at high resolution and then vectorise using Ai or VectorMagic. As these traces are always problematic, I'd then have to place the vectorised content over my original, lower the opacity, and manually go node by node. Human/eye error would surely be noticeable in the end. So is there a better way of doing this? "Basic" vector brushes output vector only content, but there is no Basic brush that has three lines (or more, or less), which is a shame, because that would be great. Anyone have any better ideas? I like intricate parallel lines a lot, and I'd like to do more with them, but I need to find a better method.
  4. Is anyone else having issues editing the size and opacity variance in the vector brush editing tab? I use the vector brush and it lays down the stroke fine. I try to edit it in the Brush Editing menu and when I make changes to the size variance and opacity variance it shows up fine in the preview box above the sliders but the changes don't happen to the brush stroke on the page. I posed this question before and someone from Serif said I must be using the pen or pencil tool, which won't work ( I wasn't using either one by the way). I have tried this 20 times with the vector brush tool and still nothing. I don't know if this is connected or not but "open recent" under the "file" menu is always blank even though I have done several projects with the program. Do I have a setting somewhere set wrong? It just seems that the program isn't operating quite right. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Hi there, I have recently downloaded the Affinity Design Trial to see whether i am tempted away from Adobe Illustrator. One of the main techniques i like to use on illustrator is using the pen or brush tool to trace over key areas of pictures i have inserted. I would take my time to trace over these key shapes and whenever i finished a section, the tool would auto smoothen out the lines. However, although Affinity Design has this function, it is no way near as smooth as Illustrator (You can see this in attached image). I do not know whether there are any options that adjust these tools to make my lines consistently smooth like Adobe have achieved. All in all, if i could solve this issue it would definitely confirm me leaving Adobe to join Affinity. I was set to buy the software until i came into this problem. Look forward to any useful responses, JT
  6. Query - and a possible feature request if I'm right about this - something I noticed when using the Vector Brush Tool in Af.Designer with daub brushes at low opacity (c.10%) to build up the depth of colour gradually with multiple strokes. 1. If I make say 7 overlayed distinct strokes at 10% opacity, raising the brush between each one, then I get (presumably) 70% opacity where they overlay each other. 2. If on the other hand I make 7 strokes without raising the brush - in fact one stroke but with roughly 180 degree changes of direction back and forth over the same area - then I only get 10% opacity. Where the same stroke crosses back over itself there is no increase in opacity as of course there would be if this was a real paint brush. I can see that the constant opacity would be essential if you were filling in a shape and wanted uniform colour despite overlapping / overlaying but it would be useful to have the option of building up opacity where a single stroke passes back over itself as it would in reality. It would also reduce the number of strokes recorded in the Layers which rapidly build up to frightening levels if I do a lot of choppy, ‘expressive’ brushwork. Is there any way to build up opacity by running one vector brush stroke back and forth over itself ? I had thought this option might already be available within the “More” options brush control panel or could be modified by changing the Blend Mode but if it is already there I haven’t been able to find it. You might be thinking “Why is this fool using vector brushes at all when this sounds like something he ought to be doing in Pixel Persona (or indeed in Af.Photo if he had any sense) ?”. Well, because I generally prefer to stick with pure vector work where possible. (Note : Pixel brushes seem to work in the same way - i.e. no increase in opacity where the same stroke crosses back over itself.) Perhaps this “build-up opacity when re-crossing self” behaviour could be available as an an option ? Pretty minor I know and not really worth the trouble unless it’s something you could do easily. [if I haven't missed this feature then please shift this topic to the Feature Requests section.]
  7. Choosing a two-color gradient for the Vector Brush lets me paint with a lovely blended stroke. But if I want to reverse those colors…lighter on the right instead of on the left, for instance…I would need to click on Color>Gradient then on Reverse. But when I click on Gradient, the color dot on left reverts to white while the one on the right maintains its setting. Shouldn't they both retain the current colors?
  8. Hi! I have a Wacom Bamboo. Vector brush to use not the apryeo control. The bitmap is well pressure control. Is a bug? Is not it? (I'm sorry I did not speak English well because Koreans)
  9. Dear Affinity Support Just wanted to say congrats on a fantastic application. Keep up the great work. Is there anyway to vary (e.g. 0-100%) the line smoothing when using the Pencil and Brush tool? For instance I would like to use a lower percentage when rough sketching freehand with a tablet, then increase the percentage when 'inking' in a final line on top of the sketch with trackpad, mouse or tablet to get a clean and smooth finish. At the moment I'm using the pen tool for the 'inking' stage but would actually to prefer to carry this out freehand (albeit with a bit of smoothing assistance). Many thanks P
  10. In the beta the vector brush tool and the pencil tool are slower than the previous stable version. I'm using a Wacom pen tablet CTL-480 on a Macbook Air Mid 2011, running OSX 10.9.5. (In the attached video, Affinity Beta is at the beginning, the stable version at the end) vector-brush.mov
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