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Found 6 results

  1. When previewing Affinity Designer files in Mac OS or in an asset manager the previews are too small, in fact too fuzzy to discern any good detail. I have thousands of Affinity Designer files and this lack of detail in the preview (for instance by pressing spacebar) makes it necessary for me to open the file to see what's there. Contrast this with an SVG file where there is live drawing of the file in the preview. So what I am doing is converting many of my AD files to SVG (especially logos or simpler files). But SVG is a subset of AD functionality so this is limiting for me. What I notice that Adobe Illustrator does is save a PDF alongside the file. I realize this takes up more space but it really does help. Is there or can there be an option like this?
  2. We run Designer on 3 Macbooks, with all files saved on the same Dropbox account. One of the computers (10.14.6 Mojave) shows previews of Designer files just fine - both in normal Finder browsing and just through CMD+O in Designer. The other two (10.13.6 High Sierra and 10.15.4 Catalina) only show the Designer icon - no preview. Sometimes the High Sierra machine will show a preview if there's no file extension showing in the file name. Both the Mojave & High Sierra machines are running AD 1.6.1, and Catalina is on 1.8.3. We've done the basics with the High Sierra & Mojave machines like CMD+J in finder and making sure show icons & show icon preview are on. We've made sure that they all open with Designer. And of course the "Save thumbnails with documents" is checked in Designer's preferences. Thoughts or suggestions? We've tried to cross check as much as we can against the Mojave machine since that's showing previews perfectly, but we still haven't found the magic bullet. And I should point out - we're not trying to preview files within dropbox itself via a browser. 99% of the time we're just trying to preview while opening files right in Designer. Once in a while in Finder, but mainly within Designer.
  3. Has anyone found a DAM vendor that supports the affinity thumbnail previews? I asked about this quite a while ago and was told the previewer code or codec ships with windows but so far in the last 6 months I've not found a vendor that can support the preview feature. They've been willing to add it but say its not currently possible. Any advise on where to look or what to actually have them look for? I've checked with 7 willing vendors so far and come up empty each time for implementation. Thanks, Ryan.
  4. This may very well be related to a recent system update so apologies if this is nothing to do with Affinity but hoping that someone might have an answer regardless. I updated my Mid 2010 Mac Pro to the latest system it can handle 10.13.6 and I've just noticed that when I go to open a file, if I have the dialogue box set to list view then I no longer get the preview of the file showing at the bottom of the dialogue. Now there is just a thin strip of grey. The only way I can see the files is by going into columnar view (which I don't like using) or by pressing the space bar to preview the images. Problem with that is that the images load very large and so take a lot longer to go through. Was wondering if anyone knows of a way to get that functionality back? If it is Apple that have taken this out then seriously have no idea why as it was really really handy having the image preview at the bottom of the window in list view. Thanks for any help with this. Best wishes, Mark
  5. Is there a way to print thumbnails of page spreads, outlined, in pairs, so the spreads are each clearly defined? In the very old days, PageMaker did this very nicely. I can make a cheesy workaround for now, with outline rectangles at the extreme edges of the master pages, but when printed, all the spreads run together as an evenly-spaced array. I see that I can adjust the V-gap, in the N-up setting, but this will separate each page, not the page pairs. Thanks for any ideas...
  6. All of my Affinity file icons (those for Designer MAS, Designer Beta and Photo Beta and only those) had gone blank after downloading the latest betas, both Designer and Photo. I had assumed that the Photo beta had caused the problem. But deleting it and reinstalling did nothing to correct the problem. Finally deleted the Designer Beta…and all my file icons have been restored.
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