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Found 11 results

  1. I have put off upgrading to the newer Mac OS on my current iMac. From what I understand, Apple was found guilty the French law courts of deliberately slowing devices to a crippling speed when upgrading OS or iOS on older models. They were charged a 7 figure fine. Did it alter the way they worked? Not that I know of. As a result I still have an iMac running Mojave OS 10.14.6. I am a new customer as of today and installed version 2 of the three products but none of them work on Mojave. I might need to be running your version 1. Are you able to link me to where I can find this version of your software please?
  2. Affinity Designer crashes when I open my recent documents or create new ones, and fails to open with saved preferences. Crash log attached. macOS 10.14 (Mojave) on MacBook Pro 9,1 Core i7 nVidia 650M. Additionally, running it causes fans to go bonkers. Affinity Designer 1.9 is OK. Problem Report for Affinity Designer - crash.txt
  3. Hi there, I used a 3D effect and Outer Glow on the ball and a layer behind the ball with a brush of white paint. The jpg looks even uglier. See screenshots. Best regards, Puck.
  4. Question: am on Mojave/10.14.6 with MAS versions of Designer and Photo installed. Upon opening 1.8.4 two days ago, I was greeted by a window that informed me that updates were available from the MAS, but--when I clicked the button to download--the MAS indicated that it could not download the updates. Not a problem for me. I'd bought the Mac versions of all three Affinity softwares a while ago (never bought Publisher from the MAS, only directly from the Affinity Store) from the Affinity store in anticipation that this might happen someday, so I deleted the MAS versions and downloaded the Mac .dmg files from the Affinity store. Back up and running. My question is this: did the MAS versions stop working on Mojave (and possibly below Mojave) when they were upgraded for Apple Silicon and Big Sur?
  5. Publisher 1.8.3, MacOS Mojave 10.14.4 The Alignment Panel used to remember the previously used 'Align to' dropdown menu setting. So for multiple objects, if I changed the 'Align to' dropdown to Last Selected, the panel would remember this and every time I opened the panel Last Selected would still be the choice in the dropdown menu so all I had to do was click an alignment button to align to the last selected. Quick and easy. But now the Alignment Panel dropdown menu defaults to Selection Bounds every time the panel is opened (for single objects it defaults to Page every time). So now if I change the 'Align to' dropdown to Last Selected, the panel forgets this setting and reverts to Selection Bounds the next time I open the panel. This means I have to click an alignment button and then open the dropdown again and choose Last Selected again every time I'm aligning objects. This is very annoying and really slows down work. I can't imagine this was intentional. Please revert to the previous behaviour where the Alignment Panel remembers the 'Align to' dropdown menu setting.
  6. Hi All I am using the Mac Mojave and the photos app. When I click on a photo and edit in affinity photo , make changes in affinity photo, and then close the document, save. The save doesn't change in photos - and the photo remains the same what am I doing wrong? thanks,
  7. Hello there, while installing the 1.7.1 Affinity Photo version I get an "Error -36" message. I've search this forum and the internet and couldn't find any solution so far. I am running OSX 10.14.5 on a MacBook Pro mid-2012. The 1.6.x version I had was overwritten and since the installation failed, I am left with nothing. I've already tried the following things: download the installer again reboot my mac and performe a Reset SMC and Reset PRAM run a dot_clean on the installer Nothing worked out so far. Any idea?
  8. A friend of mine has finally moved to Affinity Designer on his Mac. He has a large library of files he created in Adobe Freehand going back decades. One of the big Designer selling points was that he was able to read these files in Designer with fairly good results. However, since upgrading to macOS Mojave he can no longer open these files in Designer. Any ideas or suggestions?
  9. Hello, I'm experiencing a poor graphics performance after upgrading to Mojave, tried switching from OpenGL to Metal, which didn't do a trick and then switched back. Are anyone experiencing similar sluggishness? And maybe somebody can tell me ways to work around it? Thank you!
  10. I'm getting reproducible behavior with this sequence: Make a selection on pixel layer>Edit>Fill>Deselect When I deselect, the unselected part from the original selection also fills, making the whole layer a solid color. See screen captures for the before and after. You can even see the selection is active in the before image. I found that this also happens when I use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+F5 but it doesn't happen if I fill using the fill tool (paintbucket). I've been experiencing this for a while now. I think I noticed it even before I installed Mojave on my late 2015 iMac, but definitely ever since I installed Mojave.
  11. Hi, used "Separated Mode" for a bit, but I found it difficult to get gridlines on a design so I switched it back off. However, "Merge all windows" doesn't appear to do anything when I'm in "Separated Mode" - what is it supposed to do? Using Affinity Designer 1.6.1 on Mojave 10.14.1
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