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  1. Hello everyone, I would like to create electronic components for my projects (Arduino) so that I can use them in a software program. To do this, the external dimensions must fit. I have already created it in Affinity Designer and have external dimensions of 20x25mm. After exporting as SVG, whether as a document, as an artboard or as a slice, I always have different dimensions afterwards. Even when I open it again in Affinity, my original 20mm becomes something around 80mm. Can any of you help me how to export such files correctly? Iam also interested in whether it is possible to automatically adapt an artboard or a slice to a selection. I have to leave the layers as they are for the software to export and not group them. This means that slicing, for example, does not work properly. I will be grateful for any tips. Many thanks in advance and best regards from Germany 🙂.
  2. Hi! I am new to Affinity Designer and already have searched the internet to find an answer. The Info I found is that the measurement tool was planned years ago, but nothing to measurements in the newest release. Is there any way to measure the length of a (curved) line in the newest version? I am interested in an exact measurement in physical units (mm). Thanks!
  3. Hi Guys, Im currently working on a name badges template for a company. The size in Affinity designer is 74mm x 24mm When I export to pdf and print it they are 70mm x 23. This is also when "fit" is turned off. Is there anything I need to change when exporting to pdf? could DPI have anything to do with it? srry Im a web guy and not a print guy :P Hope you can help.
  4. Hi everyone,,, having trouble exporting to specific mm sizes when saving SVG vector graphics [for signage] Are have prepared 48 sign panels at full size artwork 600mm x 600mm as a series of artboards I want to export them at 512x512 px PNG for some rendering software and full size [mm] as SVG and AI files to the sign fabricator.. both having trouble in both regards When I exporrt as PNG i get each artboard exported at 7000 x 7000px [roughly the overal document size [eg all the artboards combined] in mm] so I have to batch resample them down to 512 x 512 in photo designer as a seaparate task... When I export the files as full size SVG each panel is exported as 7000x7000px [2500x3500mm] , not 600x600mm as expected the new file defaults to px units even though my parent document units are mm... as for getting 2500mm rather than 600x600mm has me mystified. did a lot of research before coming here.. nearly all tuts refer to pixel sizes , not mm any help appreciated BIM HSL SIGNS -2.afdesign
  5. We lack the possibility to set the line thickness (width) expressed in millimeters. Because the controllers of our machines (laser plotters) read the 0.001mm line as the cutting line. The possibility of implementing such a solution will allow us and many companies to completely switch from Illustrator to Anfinity and purchase many licenses.
  6. I'm unsure whether this is a bug or expected behaviour in v1.7 but it is a change from v1.6 so I'm raising it as a possible bug. I frequently copy and paste images from Affinity Photo to Affinity Designer. The images in Affinity Photo are always by default 144 dpi (because they are screen grabs from a Mac Retina Display). By default when I open the screen grab in AP the document defaults to pixels as its unit of measurement (which is fine). I then have an AD 'print' document set to 300 dpi and by default use mm for the units. In version 1.6 when I copied the AP file/layer and pasted it into my AD file, AD would 'honour' the pixel size of the AP file regardless of the difference in dpi between the two documents, so e.g. if the AP file/layer I'm copying is 2,000 x 2,000px, when pasted into my AD file it was pasted as 169.33 x 169.33mm, i.e. 2,000 x 2,000px, so no conversion took place to account for the difference between the different dpi settings between AP and AD. In version 1.7 this is not the case, taking the same scenario as above, AP document at 144dpi, default units set to pixels, AD document at 300dpi, default units set to mm. When copy/pasting between the two, the 144dpi file/layer pastes at 352.78 x 352.78mm which is 4,166.67 x 4,166.67px, i.e. it has resampled the pasted layer to honour the pixel resolution of the AD document (2,000px at 144dpi = 4,166.67px at 300dpi). However, if before pasting the AP file/layer I change my AD document from mm to px units, maintaining the 300dpi document resolution, when I paste the same 2,000 x 2,000px layer from AP, it is pasted into AD at 2,000 x 2,000px and not 4,166.67 x 4,166.67px which seems a little odd, so it is ignoring the difference between the two document resolutions. So my question is this, is this 'expected' behaviour in v1.7 or a 'bug', as in, shouldn't pasting the file/layer honour the conversion between the two different document pixel resolutions and adjust accordingly or should it paste at the same original size regardless of the difference between the AP and AD dpi's and document units which is the way it worked in v1.6, i.e. in v1.6 with the same set up as above, when I pasted the 2,000 x 2,000px file/layer from a 144dpi AP document with units set to pixels into a 300dpi AD document it pasted at 2,000 x 2,000px regardless of whether my AD document was set to mm or pixels.
  7. Hi! How can I permanently change "px" for "mm" in Affinity Designer for IPad? I can not find this option in preferences. thanks!
  8. Hi Its difficult for me to switch mentally from displaying pt. (the usual unit of font size) to mm (the usual layout unit of page layout ) I would find it much more easy for me to have all fonts sizes always in pt. and all other measurements in mm the switch thru the prefs is clumsy I'm evidently not a grafic designer as my question may be ridiculous for the pros Clavote Ps I know that I can enter sizes in any supported units in the entry boxes
  9. I'm use to move objects with arrow keys. AD has default setting as 1-pixel and 10-pixel move only. But it's not useful when you work on document which is in mm or inch units. Most vector apps has possibility to set unit and distance for arrow and shift+arrow. I'm missing it so much in AD. It should depend on document units and grid setting - isometric and triangular grid needs to use different "basic move unit". Looking forward for such a feauture in next update :)
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