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Found 12 results

  1. I have uninstalled my V2 and reinstalled it 2 times today due to some past problem which later i've resolved. I am now opening the application one again but it doesn't work because it asks me to login in, which i'm doing it correctly but it keeps saying "try later". I have even tried to change my password, restarting my computer, and uninstall and reinstall it... Nothing work. it just says "try later"
  2. I dont know where to post this as there seems to be no customer service link at the website. I own Affinity Photo, Designer, and Affinity Photo for Ipad. Today I tried to log in to my account as required to download the free UI kit being offered to users of Affinity Designer. The app tells me I've already registered my name and email address, however, I cannot log into my account at the affinity website - and I cannot even reset the password as the reset instruction email never arrives. How do I resolve this?
  3. Please help with the following problem. The full message I get is on the image below. I tried signing in a few times but it is always just loading and then I get this message. The same happens when I click on register.
  4. Hello Guy's I'm a happy user of Affinity for a while now and recently I wanted to download your brand new publish software, but somehow my account email is not working. I recall being your software a year ago or so but I can't find login credentials this is problematic since I wanted not only to use publisher but also buy Affinity Photo? Is there any chance to get some help here or do I need to create a brand new account? Regards Marcin
  5. Hallo guten Tag, ich habe mir gerade Affinity Designer gekauft und meinen Schlüsselcode auf meinem iMac eingegeben. Kann ich nun das Programm auch auf meinem MacBook verwenden, da mich die App auf dem MacBook nach den selben Schlüsselcode fragt.
  6. How on earth do I log into an account nowhere I can see is there a way to create a new account, it doesn't recognise my email address. Bought it through the app store.
  7. Hello, I made these login pages templates in my spare time. They're for Affinity Designer. Maybe it will be useful to someone. You will need the free "Chivo" font from Google Fonts to edit the file - https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Chivo Enjoy! Login Template FernandoLins.zip
  8. Hey, I've been having some problems since I bought Affinity. I bought it over the AppStore, but I never received an Email to actually make an account for the affinity store and therefore could not download it. I have been trying to find a solution, but I couldn't find one. If you could help me that would be great
  9. Can I please stay logged into the forums for longer than not? Given my occasional use of this website, the "Remember me" option at login seems completely nonfunctional. Checking the cookie lifetimes I guess that only lasts a couple days. I'd rather expect this to last a year (resetting the timeout with every visit).
  10. Dear Affinity Team I have tried to re-download your products which I bought last year. I still have the PayPal receipts, the saved password and login details to your site. But somehow neither my email nor my password are recognized on any of your associated sites (seriflabs, affinity). I tried to reset my password but it would not recognize my email. I am certrain I got the correct login-details because these are auto-saved in my browser, I also remember successfull login in with those details last year. I purchased both, Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer for Windows. Could I get some assistance regarding this? Is there an issue with your account management from 2016? My name is Jessica Helsdon. I re-registered now in hopes of it being a bug but still I do not see my purchases. I canprovide the Paypal receipts. Thanks in advance.
  11. I use a password management system to login to the many sites that I access. Affinity website does not support this. Suggestion: Please create a regular login web page (ie affinity.serif.com/login) or place regular login fields on the home page so that my password manager will see them. Popup page, as Affinity has deployed, does not work and I have to enter manually which defeats the purpose of my automated password management. Thanks.
  12. Hi, everyone! Even before download the trial version, I have a question: The e-mail and login to purchase the full version must be the same I've downloaded the trial version? Shirohood
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