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Found 8 results

  1. To vectorize simple designs of geometric figures, as well as manually recalcrating them on other levels with the pen tool, I would like to ask if designer has a different and faster automated function of car vectorization, where however the vector knots that has created are visible. Thank you.
  2. Hi there, I am ready to be torn down here but i've been trying to get my head round distorting lines / shapes and i'm coming unstuck and i just wondered if there was a way of creating lines / shapes within a design and then manipulating them heavily. currently trying to ceate a logo and would love a helping hand as i'm tearing my hair out. I've attached a couple of example images: If it's a case of editing each line individually then fair enough i'll lock myself in but just wondered if there was something i could do to gain the effect? apologies for the noob question and thanks in advance to anyone who can help Cheers
  3. I was asked to reproduce a geometric quilt pattern in Affinity Designer by someone who wasn’t sure where to start. This tutorial is 1 hour and 20 minutes long. It says it’s longer, but that’s because I forgot to delete some clips at the end. I’ll get round to fixing that later. The pattern is made up of pentagons and pentagrams, and consequently correlates well with the golden ratio. If you are having problems with creating geometric patterns in Affinity a Designer, this tutorial explains how some of these problems come about, and how best to resolve (well - work with) them. Here is the link to the tutorial on Vimeo.
  4. Hello World, Thank you Affinity, your product is amazing. I will be sharing this work on LinkedIn mentioning Affinity Products. You can also check it on YouTube as well. Almost forgot, you can also use the slider yourself to draw haha I am still testing it though. give it a shot https://boroji.com/test/index.html Thank you again, Keep up the good work Geometric_Pattern-Timelapse.mp4
  5. I really didn’t know where I was going when I started this piece for fun, but one thing led to another as I got in flow. Very satisfying creative experience. Hope you enjoy!
  6. Hi. I would like to know if there is anything in Affinity designer like the Adobe Illustrators transform effect? (See video below) I am wanting to make complex geometric patterns. I know about power duplicate in affinity but it seems like there is far much more control with the transform tool in Illustrator, plus it saves a lot of time. I have posted an example video below from Adobe Illustrator, this is what I am looking to do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCwmEfCsPdw&t=328s Can any one point me in the right direction? Or are we limited to power duplicate in Affinity designer/photo? Any ideas/help will be appreciated! Thank you for your time. Dan.
  7. Hi! I have had great fun with Affinity Designer's shapes and making this series. So relaxing! I have learned a lot while doing this, as I'm sure you'll be able to tell as I post more-- such as, how to use gradients, boolean operations, converting to curves, centering objects, grouping, bitmap fills, etc. Essentially I've learned how to use AD while making these. I will say that after a bit I realized that if I was going to call the series "Compass Roses" they should have at least multiples of four points, so some of the early ones broke that rule. That said, here are the first five and I will post the others in a bit. There are other wonky things too, but I call that a process of learning and I'm very happy with the last windroses especially. I'm still working on my "villains" series, but they take a LOT longer to do than these compass roses...
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