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Found 5 results

  1. My cross-references are broken by duplicating pages. What happens is that the text anchors have the same name, therefore, the cross-reference reports the wrong listnumber, even though they refer to the correct paragraph. For example, I had both listnumbers 143 and 146 referring to 141, even though the figure captions they were linked to in the text did list 143 and 146. Old text:
  2. Hello everyone. I think how i can make something like this in AF Designer? Anyone have idea?
  3. This began life (or was resurrected -- see below) when I was fourteen, at school in 1965 when Games was rained off and I started doodling in a notebook whatever came into my head. I've still got the notebook somewhere, but I can't lay my hands on it just now to show you the original scribble.But here's the weird creepy thing ... ten years or so later I was idly flipping through a book, A Century of Creepy Stories, at a friend's house, when I came to an illustration ... that was my teenage doodle! It was different, obviously, but had all the elements: the old man, the long-case clock, the water ...And then I remembered ... when I was seven, we had a caravan holiday in Cornwall. Under my bed, I found someone had left a book ... A Century of Creepy Stories! The room is by Vidar Nordli Mathisen from unsplash; the bath from a photo by Max Murauer from unsplash; the clock and the wooden posts are my own photos; the other elements I borrowed from the internet.
  4. Hello, I am working with Altair (python library) and one annoying bug is a wrong depiction of axis ticks/labels in every Affinity software. Looking foreward to fix this bug Let me show you! Affinity Google Chrome (or another software)
  5. It's great to have rounded rectangle tool. But why there is no round pentagon (or any figure)? Up: OMG, it is Corners feature announced in Affinity Review! ... but this not included in current beta version?
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