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  1. Is there a short cut / shortcut key for quickly cloning the color of one object to another? For example, I have a square that is purple and a circle that is orange. I select the circle and would like to sample the color from the square to turn it purple. The only way I can seemingly do it is to select and drag the eyedropper tool (from the color palette), then sample the color from the square. Then I need to select my circle then click the colored sample from the eyedropper in the palette to change it's color. Basically, I'm looking for the exact same function that illustrator provides when sampling / cloning colors and I have to assume Affinity Designer would not make it a three step process when it could be one. In illustrator you can quickly shortcut key to the Eyedropper tool and it changes the current objects color to anyone that you sample. Thanks everyone!
  2. Is there a way in Affinity Designer to quickly copy a text style? In Illustrator it was fairly easy to do that with the eye dropper too since that worked both as a colour picker as well as a text style picker. I just want to be able to select a text block and quickly apply the style and format of another text block. I can't seem to find a quick way in Affinity Designer. Thanks!
  3. Hi guys, It would be great if when using gradient colors, we could use the COLOR PICKER tool. For example, I have an object that has a gradient color. When I click on one of the handlers, to change one of the colors, if I use the color picker tool, the shape loses its gradient color and turns into the color chosen by the color picker, regardless of the fact that I first clicked on one of the gradient handlers. It would be great if when clicking on a gradient handler, and afterwards selecting the color picker tool and selecting a color, only the color of the gradient linked to the handler I clicked on, will be changed. I was actually surprised it doesn't work like this by default Thank you, Chris
  4. Hello, I'm not sure if this is a feature or a bug. But the color toggles don't inherit from one file to another. Also eyedropper requires you to open the other file, which results in the color not eyedropping in the correct file. Edit: One workaround is to make a swatch table with the colors you need. Something I never used in Photoshop, but I guess the best option with the current workflow in Affinity. I made a video to demonstrate the bug\ feature. It's a bit of a time killer because if I have 10 files that use the same colors, I need to do alot of eye dropping over and over to get the colors I need. Video Thank you
  5. Hello, I have two suggestions for the colour picker in the Colour & Swatches studios. Hold option/alt to immediately apply the picked colour to the selected layers. Keep the loupe active when switching apps as long as the mouse button is held down. This is so we can easily pick colours from other windows without having to resize the Affinity window, pick the colour, and resize the window again. Thank you for your consideration.
  6. Hi All, I have just bought Affinity Photo, coming from years of Adobe products. So I'm learning the differences, and this may be a stupid question, but when I use the eyedropper tool to get a colour, I find that it puts the selected colour in the colour panel, but it also sets the fill colour of the image, and the whole image changes to a monotone image. All I want to do is get the hex value from the selected pixels without altering the image. If I de-select "Apply to selection" it doesn't change the image, but nor does it populate the hex value field. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
  7. I'm a fairly new user of AP (after many years of PS), so I have a question: does anyone know what the sample size of the eye dropper tool is, and is the size adjustable (sometimes I need a 3 x 3 px size, sometimes 30 x 30 px is needed). Thanks in advance for the answer(s).
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