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  1. AFPUB 1.8.3, OS X 10.15.3 Configuration: laptop connected to NAS on same network. Resource Manager Collection is on the same NAS. NAS Volume is mounted. The Preferences for AFPUB are set to "Automatically update linked resources when modified externally." Load the program and a document. Now - using an external photo editor, update one of the Images in the Resource Manager Collection (all images are linked). The Resource Manager recognizes that the image has been modified - see screen shot. The auto update of the image itself in the document no longer works. However, you can use the Resource Manager to manually Update (button) the image. Not sure if a networked volume is fair game for AFPUB or not. But since the Resource Manager Collection is recognized and used by AFPUB, I think the auto update should be active and working as well.
  2. I have a weird issue with Affinity Designer. The mouse pointer displays heavily shifted to the bottom-right of the actual spot when using the Pen Tool. Of course this makes using the tool a lot harder. I have recorded two videos to show the issue. The first video is a recording from my phone while creating a bezier curve. The second video was taken at the same time using the screen recorder of my Mac. Yes, because, funny thing is that on the screen recording, the mouse pointer is at the right place, so I had to make a video with my phone to show that the pointer is actually shifted to the bottom right of the actual spot. Of course, I'm not experiencing this issue in any other software than Affinity Designer, so I'm assuming the issue comes from Affinity. I have enabled the grid to make it more easy to see the issue. I'm on Catalina 10.15.7 on a brand new Macbook Pro 16", using a Benq PD2700U external monitor. Here is how my performance settings are configured: Important note I've just noticed: the issue with the mouse pointer only occurs on the external monitor, not the built-in retina display of my laptop. Any help will do. Screen_Recording_2020-12-25_at_16_50_41.mov VID_20201225_165043.mp4
  3. Hi, Anyone no of a Green Screen Software that will work as a plug-in from AP on Windows? Thankyou. Russ.
  4. Hello, to everybody! Finally switched from ugly adobe. And would like to know is there any way to assign hotkeys for external 3rd party plugins?
  5. Hi thanks all for keeping up with this great apps package. I would like to know if it is possible to create a document and drag into this document 3 other files that would be place as layer, but would be updated if those file would be changed or modified individualy by someone else on another package. I would like them to be updated in my document and keept as external references. Then if I want to convert them as embed within my document and break this external link I would like to have this option to do so as well. Let me know as I would like to know if I can base my next project pipeline on your apps. Regards.
  6. Hello, Not sure If my system is borked but I seem to be having troubles copying text from an Affinity Designer Text Frame into another plain text editor. Simple command-c to command-v does not seem to cut it, nor does working from the edit menu. Any tips? Thanks.
  7. Affinity Photo may be added to Aperture as an external editor. The benefit is the added photo browser function of Aperture. In order to add Affinity Photo, add it as an external editor in the "export" tab of PREFERENCES. See the added Affinity Photo.pdf file. Affinity Photo.pdf
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