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  1. The existing way of locking the layer does not protect its contents from unwanted change. It only provides protection before selecting from canvas area and moving contents (https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/53707-lockingunlocking-layers/&do=findComment&comment=271924). But it would also be useful to ensure protecting the layer from unwanted contents modifications. For example, as it is solved in Photoshop, with "Fully" and "Partialy" lock (https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/moving-stacking-locking-layers.html). Related Threads
  2. I went to update my Contents list. First screenshot shows a section with Positioning and Transform shown on the right. All as it should be. As according to the TOC par a Styles/ Then I click on update and I get screenshot 2. Leading Override and Vertical scale have decided to go mad with increases. And this is the final proof of my book!! Affinity guys I need help here. This should not happen. I just wasted two hours trying to find a solution.
  3. I wish to create a table of contents. The document is a reference booklet so at the top of each page is a heading which summarises the contents. On the left page it is aligned left and on the right it is aligned right. If I create a style I can choose left aligned or right aligned. If I allocate a different style to the right pages, I cannot combine them to form a cohesive table of contents, it assumes the second style is a sub heading which is not what I want. Do I assume that I cannot achieve automatically what I desire, but must create my TOC manually?
  4. Hi I am making an eBook in Affinity Publisher. Each time I do the Preflight I get Contents page errors - specifically spelling errors related to an incorrect language preference (which I can't seem to change, and which is not the same as the rest of the book). I've tried selecting all and then choosing the language again, choosing no language and then changing it back again, nothing seems to work. Can I change this somehow? If not what is the solution - to delete the Contents pages and rebuild them? Thanks in advance for your help!
  5. I have absolutely no luck with locking layer. It makes me wonder if my understanding of what it is supposed to accomplish is what I think. Let's go back to the beginning. First I used Adobe programs. This became too expensive as a rental for a non-professional like myself, especially after I closed my main business. At the time the cost was incurred when you bought it, not a rental fee. The small projects I do are not money makers. I switched to Affinity because the cost was more reasonable. Now to the problem: If I save a document and reopen in Designer items will move from where I placed them. I am working on a large document and this is infuriating. Now there is this locking function but it seems useless. If a page element is locked I cannot edit it. My only option is to unlock all. When I do that what appears to happen is that everything in this rather long document is unlocked. There is no other option here. Do I really have to go though the whole document some 100 pages and re-lock every element? Every time I want to make a minot change? First of all it seems inane that if I leave elements unlocked and reopen the document a day later many items are now shifted from where I placed them. Pardon me but this seems unless. Almost every page of my 160 page document now needs adjusting. Going back to Pagemaker I have never encountered such an annoying flaw. As it stands it seems like every time I want make a change on one page I am now required to go over may whole document of 154 pages seeing what was unlocked and now moved. If you place something in Word and save it and come back things are where they were when you save it and this was certainly the case when I used Pagemaker and Adobe.
  6. Hi! When creating table of contents, how can I change my default styles from heading1 and heading2 to a style I have created?
  7. So want to add 2 style names on same line so that it can look something like this. Where I have Name and then TAG or the other way around if possible. This is picked up from a tables in the document. But when i try this I get this. How can I have them on the same line? is it even possible? I have tried searching for this, but not sure what the right search would be. Thanks!
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