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  1. It's all about the "retro" vibe. I grew up in the 80's, I was raised by 80's style items and by the designers of those items. So I'm just filled with that vibe and sometimes I need to express it. I have always admired the keyboards of the first personal computers - their texture, their shape, the way characters were applied to them. Also the tube displays and their magical glow, which no LCD screen can render, bring back good memories of distant times. Here I tried to reflect the style of those machines. The inspiration for this drawing came from a modern calculator with round buttons, whose designer apparently took advantage of the sentiment with which people sometimes refer to objects from the past. #affinitydesigner #calculator #nixietube #80s
  2. I have made a numbers spreadsheet which calculates column widths for creating guides using the guide manager as a short term fix until the feature is implemented. Currently it works for 2-6 columns. I think that should work for most people's uses but it would be fairly trivial to edit to allow for more columns. You have to input some key data for each layout: Page width (crucial info for obvious reasons) Inner margin Outer margin (these three together then calculate the useable width within the margins) Number of columns you require (up to max 6) Gutter width I thought it would be helpful to others so you can download using the link below. Please use and edit it as you wish. calculating columns_to share.numbers Robin
  3. Hello, As part of an ongoing research to baseline grid composition, my colleague and I recently made Fitbaseline, a calculator that distributes the baseline grid over the document height. This is especially convenient when designing a document with fixed sizes (for example in print) in which you want to evenly distribute the baseline grid. Although we developed a version that applies the calculation automatically for Adobe InDesign, the online calculator is application agnostic so it can be used with Affinity too. However, it would be great to see this concept implemented in Affinity applications such as the upcoming Publisher. I'll make a feature request for this soon. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Bauke
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