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  1. Here's a little fall season set of some assets & styles for the community. Caution: the included Fall & Halloween styles are very huge in size, since these styles are build out of 3600 x 3600 px bitmaps, so they can also be used on demand for higher-res printing purposes here. The corresponding fall assets & styles set files: fall-assets.afassets (275 KB) fall-holloween.afstyles (283 MB) - Have a nice fall time!
  2. The project I'm working on will need to use 'tiling patterns' for some of the graphics. Currently the only option for patterns in Affinity Designer is to use the Fill tool to import a Bitmap. This may be saved as a style. The bitmap will not and cannot be updated, and the size and tiling will scale relative to the object, rather than the document. Working with patterns this way is so terrible that it's definitely not fit for the task, so Affinity Designer is starting to really drag down the project. Does it seem likely we will see any sort of patterned area fill in the next six months, or should I abandon Affinity Designer for now and go for Illustrator?
  3. Created these two last week as part of a current project I'm working on. It's done fully on Affinity Designer with a mixed workflow of vectors and bitmaps.
  4. I'm enjoying playing around with AD and I've discovered I can create styles using my extensive collection of seamless tiling bitmap fills so nice! Now my next question is say I wanted to share a style that uses a bitmap fill does a copy of the applied bitmap get stored within the AD styles file? or would I need to supply the bitmap externally in a zip file? Of course I would only share bitmaps that I have created and have the the rights to share. :)
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