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  1. Hi. Retried some image stacking recently, and it is working amazingly well. Bravo. Excited for 2.x. It would be completely usable for me now, for focus and tonal mapping, and panorama. Just wanted to mention that importing any extent (# images) of any kind of stack using X3F (raw format) results in a crash to desktop. However, bringing the files in using a 16-bit (per primary) TIFF works very well. Reading posts here, it mentions that you lose the automatic raw Development persona doing Stack image loads (which makes sense). But it sounds like it is still feasible (though streamlined) using other raw formats. I also know that X3F gets handled a bit differently than other raw formats (it's not using LibRaw). My question was if a Dev could check whether that crash to desktop occurs because AP is treating X3F like other raw formats (maybe there's another existing group that wouldn't use LibRaw, and so would work better with X3F). If so, it would certainly be extremely convenient and appreciated if that could be fixed. If it would be all custom Dev work, then its not high priority, as it is still functional using TIFFs, and its just a bit more prep work. Thanks very much.
  2. I was wondering if Affinity Photo offers a capability to edit one photo ,and use it as a preset to instantly edit multiple photos with that preset for time-lapse purposes.In lightroom you can do it ,but can you do it in Affinity Photo?
  3. Hello all, I've been behavior I just can't explain. I've seen this on the iPad version and now on the desktop version. Example: I have two images I brought in as a stack, I did auto-align (tried with and without the live align).... I see the stack, I open it up and can see the individual layers, one on top of the other. The blend modes are all set to Normal. For some reason, the lower layers are bleeding through and showing through the topmost layer, even with no masking, etc.....and I'm at a loss to see why? I'm used to PS, where if you stack 2 layers, with nomal blend modes, the top one completely obscures the lower one, unless you mask it off, or have other blend modes enabled. I'm guessing something is set different in AP, I just don't know how to get the behavior I'm expecting. Right now, with both images there...I have them both turned on, again, expecting the top image to completely obscure the bottom one...but it looks strange, and if I turn off the lower layer...the top one becomes to look as it should be without the bottom one bleeding into it. The images I've tried on desktop are .tiff images....the ones on the Ipad that did the same strange thing, were from an iphone emailed to me. Can someone help me out here? I'm just wanting to stack 2 images, and not have the bottom one(s) show through unless I mask out the top later.... Thanks in advance, CC
  4. I'm using Capture One Pro 10 (MacOS 10.12.6) for my raw converter. Using the "Edit In..." selection in Capture One allows me to open my files in Affinity Photo and saves the changes back to the PSD or TIFF file created in the process. If I do this with multiple files for stitching, Affinity opens them in tabs, but I can't select the open images as the source for stitching. It would be nice to be able to select multiple open files from the panorama, hdr, focus merge or stack selection tools. Thanks, Phil
  5. I'm using Capture One Pro 10 (MacOS 10.12.6) for my raw converter. Using the "Edit In..." selection in Capture One allows me to open my files in Affinity Photo and saves the changes back to the PSD or TIFF file created in the process. If I do this with multiple files for stitching, Affinity opens them in tabs, but I can't find anyway to select the open images as the source for stitching. Is there some way to select open files for panos and merges? I can export the files and open them from the selection box but that kind of makes a mess of my workflow. Thanks!
  6. Presently I don't see a way to make multiple iPhoto Selections for Stacks. Once I've made a single selection I have to go back into iPhoto, remember where I was and select the next. This can't be meant, surely? There has to be a better selection process that doesn't close iPhoto after making my first iPhoto Stack photo. I have Corel PSP Ultimate, AFTERSHOT PRO, Pixelmator and am now enjoying the freedom of Affinity Photo. Please advise. Grazie
  7. Hello & HNY! I have been experimenting with the stacks, focus merge and HDR/Tonemap modules and I have some questions. Stacking multiple images that may or may not line up perfectly and I like the stack blend methods and either Median or Average seem to give me the best blend but typically there are only two or three files to a stack. I would like to be able to use the de-ghosting tool from the HDR merge when using the stack module. Is there a way to use the stack blend modes with the manual de-ghosting in the HDR module? I checked Live Alignment and added a Mask layer to each image but nothing seemed to show up. Using stacks is a very new thing for me as I only learned about it in an Affinity Photo tutorial video. Would greatly appreciate more information on using them. Thank you for your time! Have a great new year! Lisa in Atlanta
  8. Hello & HNY! I have been experimenting with the stacks, focus merge and HDR/Tonemap modules and I have some questions. I have stereographs that I have scanned and I want to merge them into a 3D-ish/HDR-type image. I have tried many different approaches but because they are just a bit off on the perspective and framing, I have a terrible ghosting problem. I like the stack blend methods and either Median or Average seem to give me the best blend but typically there are only two files to a stack. I would like to be able to use the de-ghosting tool from the HDR merge when using the stack module. Is there a way to use the stack blend modes with the manual de-ghosting in the HDR module? I checked Live Alignment and added a Mask layer to each image but nothing seemed to show up. Using stacks is a very new thing for me as I only learned about it in an Affinity Photo tutorial video. Would greatly appreciate more information on using them. Thank you for your time! Have a great new year! Lisa in Atlanta
  9. I have been using Photoshop to create full color pictures from B&W images (based on19th Century science). Cannot figure out how to turn off red, blue, or green, in color separations loaded into stacks with Affinity. In Photoshop, I can turn off blue and green for red layer, red and green for blue layer, and blue and red for green layer. The result is a color image.Have attached screen shot of dialog box that allows this in Photoshop. Is there a simple way to do this in Affinity? Thanks!
  10. Hello everyone! I'm new to Affinity Photo! I'm playing around, experimenting with some shots I taken for a time lapse video, and I was wondering if there's a way to add photos to a stack after I created it (i.e. not in the "New stack" window). I've found I can right click on single photos on a stack to remove them, but couldn't find a way to add new photos to stacks, any tip? thanks in advance, gerlos
  11. Hello everyone, Photo enthusiast here, I got this hobby about a year ago. I was looking for an alternate app to photoshop (I just hate the subscription model). I am practicing with a few techniques that I am learning throughout the web like duplicity, hdr, panning and blending. I like to take pictures of landscapes but I still cannot figure out how to open multiple exposures so they can be stacked, aligned, and blended together. Can this be done in affinity photo? Also, for those experts out there, we would appreciate it if you start flooding the web with tutorials about different techniques with affinity. Great app...! Thanks...!
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