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Found 11 results

  1. Please help. I have downloaded the Affinity suite, Photo, Designer and Publisher to my PC laptop Windows 10 version 22H2. None of the apps are responsive. Please assist. What else should I be doing. And also how to I register the license? Thank You Sandra
  2. I'm new to this software and still trialing but falling at first hurdle. When I am adding an image to a letter it shows correctly until I print - then it misaligns. Can someone help me please? I've attached image to show my issues. Thanks
  3. My Initial Experience With Affinity Publisher (Beta) My Workspace Setup: Affinity Publisher Public Beta (v1.7.0.312) Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (2.50GHz CPU & 16GB RAM) Windows 10 64-Bit Operating System I came across Affinity Publisher by searching for software that would satisfy my requirements to complete a flyer for a new client. I had recently moved and was without my usual equipment. Using a fairly new Surface Pro 4, I realized that I needed something a bit more oriented to the task ahead of me than the software that came with the machine. Not wanting to pay an awful lot of money for something in a rush, I was fortunate to have this public beta come through during my search. I have to say that not only am I impressed with the capabilities of Affinity Publisher in its current stage of development, but also with the level of insight and dedication to the user that has been put in to the tutorial videos available on the website. I was able to draft up several project proposals to the customer in only a few hours and quickly make modifications according to their reviews of my work. The next day I was paid for my work and the customer has a finished product that has exceeded their expectations, as well as a few bonus tweaks to the images they initially provided for use with the flyer that they may now use on their website or in other materials that promote their products. This software is designed with the professional environment in mind and built in a way that users of any experience level should have little or no trouble getting their designs up and running. As far as constructive criticism or suggestive feedback is concerned, I will have to put Affinity Publisher to the acid test so to speak as I have not yet come across anything that has triggered a red flag: no bugs, no missing features, no User Interface glitches or improvements and certainly no complaints. I will be sure to provide more in-depth contributions should the opportunity present itself. I'd like to thank the developers and everyone at Serif who has made this opportunity possible for all of us. Keep up the phenomenal work! Gratefully, psidre Felix | Founder of Studio664 - The Perfected Image, n.e.a.t Rx, and densum Beats Online Radio Broadcasting
  4. Hi everyone, i am thinking about swiching from Adobe to Affinity, but have two questions i´d like to be answerd first (so far): -I have a Windows PC and a Windows Laptop, if i buy the programms can i donloade them on to each of them? or do i have to buy them for each of the two systems? (found only a apple version of that question, and i´m unsure about windos) - I want to make sure if i got it right: Each of the Programms is 55€ or all of them (still cheaper than adobe) sorry for misspellings or wrong wording (German here) allready thak you, Ben Han
  5. Have had the Affinity software for sometime but have not been able to figure out how to get started. For example, how can I get the photo I want to work on into the Affinity software. I realize this should be simple but I need help. Thanks
  6. I am trying to use any of the blemish tools to do some frequency separation. But when I try to use it I am only able to effect the area that was originally clicked. I am also not able to select where to sample by using alt. I cannot click drag to cover more than one small area at a time, please help.
  7. I am looking for an alternative to Adobe Illustrator and came across this program. I'm a professional illustrator and use PS most of the time but on occasion I use illustrator. I want to know how this compares. I would love to try a trial version to see if it would work for me. TY
  8. I have barely scratched the surface as yet. I have just thrown a few objects on a document, filled them, just general stuff to get a feel. I am impressed with it's speed and amount of control for objects. My only disappointment is tjhat it doesn't seem to do scale drawings. (unless it's 'hidden away' somewhere I've yet to find) That was second on my to try list. Next stop desired feature topic!
  9. I'm testing AP on the free trial period at the moment, and have no experience with Photoshop. Could you tell me: 1. How do I use the adjustment layers to modify only selected parts of an image? 2. How do I use Affinity to isolate a portrait on a black background? I use Nik plugins extensively, and have used ON1 software solely for isolating portraits - but I feel that with Affinity I have a lot to learn, and I would like to get to grips with these basics during the trial period. Thanks in advance for any help. Please do keep it practical + simple!
  10. Hello I am complete newbie to Affinity. I have been using photoshop for almost 10 years now. So obviously I keep looking for similarity between the softwares and keep using the same shortcuts and look around for same tools. Are there any tips and tricks for beginners? Where do I start? Thanks for help...
  11. Hi, I am a new affinity user. Having come over from Adobe CC I would preview my images in LR before importing to PS for editing. What are the raw image preview options you recommend? I like affinity once I have the correct image selected to import, but it's finding the right image and evaluating/comparing them before import that's now the issue. Thanks, Bec
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