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Posts posted by VectorCat

  1. I created this star in the Designer persona of Publisher. I meant to apply the gradient but not any transparency. It's cool that you can do this with a gradient fill, but I don't see where the transparency was set!

    I'd appreciate if anyone can tell me..prbly one of those "if it was a snake it would have bit me" things.

    star with unwanted transparency.afpub

  2. in iPad Photo, I have Opened a PDF created on the same iPad in Pages. It’s a simple, 1-page PDF I created to learn what Photo can do with PDFs opened in it.

    In the screen capture, it shows an active object. I can change the. object’s fill color, but not its stroke. Granted, both Color circles in the color picker are circles, as opposed to a Circle (for Fill) and a Ring (for stroke).

    Is there a way to alter just the stroke? Thank you for any clues.


    stroke color not changing.png

  3. Ahh…that’s clear enough, yes. Thank you, Walt.

    My workflow in this case is this: I open PDFs often, not to edit them, but to create PNG from them for purposes of placing them in newsletters or other types of documents - which are then PDFd for distribution. If I want to edit PDFs, I have Acrobat Pro or whatever it’s called - I haven’t used Publisher for that purpose because client is Adobe-based (yeah..I know..) and I don’t want to have any manner of hitches or 3-eyed lizard babies. I bring Affinity tools into the mix because I greatly prefer them over their adobe counterparts, and if the end goal is raster, it seems harmless enough.

    Will have to re-visit on the Mac, but I’m pretty sure I’ve checked the option, words to the effect: favor fidelity over editability - consistent with the above-described use case.

    Thank you greatly for all of this..good learning experience.

  4. So…here’s the part that gets me..I’ve been under the impression that PDF - portable document format - meant that the end user need have only a PDF reader in order to open, view and enjoy all of the wonders of the original document PDF’d.

    Including fonts…that adobe had invented some technology that contained all the metrics of the fonts used in the document so that the PDF + Reader could properly draw them on the screen without the end user having the fonts used in the document’s creation on their device.

    This seems not the case. So, PDF…portable, with conditions?

  5. it’s beginning to feel as though the definition of a smart node is that it is a node that is smart. somewhat tautological…but maybe the smart node is a node that uses the “tension” of neighboring nodes to inform its own tension?

    There is something similar in the 3D modeling realm…the splines or nurbs or whatever, influence each other. Can help lend a more organic feel to the shapes you build.


  6. 11 minutes ago, Old Bruce said:

    Off the top of my head I would think the best way would be to use a border so one of the aspect ratios is repeated in the other version but has a thicker or thinner side border than the other while the top and bottom would be the same size. What I am trying to say is isolate the content by making it slightly smaller than it could be.

    ....so in other words, size the illustration for one form of media, and use variable-width borders (of whatever nature and appearance) to fill in the empty space on the other. Kinda what I was thinking, yeah..

    I haven't explored the ISO paper sizes, but just the regular ones don't have the same aspect ratio as 1080p video.

  7. Please forgive the weird question…I’m trying to find balance between print sizes and video sizes such that the same illustration would work for either.

    Granted, print will require dimensions that are suitable for a book or magazine, at 300dpi or higher, and the same file used in print could be save as / converted to what’s useful in Video (CMYK > RGB for example).

    Maybe it’s merely an issue of matching aspect ratios? The goal would be for the print version of a set of illustrations to match as closely as possible to the video counterpart.

    I hope I’m making sense, and thank you for any answers on this..surely many others are doing what I’m describing.

  8. I’d gotten it to 300 dpi (up from the initial 144). Could go no further this morning. No feedback / app quits.

    Tried again, this time just waited for the interface to “blink.” Checked the resolution and it’d been increased. Tried again and another increase. Got it up to 600dpi, which was my goal.

    I was waiting for the “Apply” button to get a blue ring around it; that never happened. The blink seems to be the tell.


    Thank you

  9. 49 minutes ago, ronnyb said:

    Just use the Resize Document command under the Document menu. Then click on the little white right arrow in the options displayed below to find the DPI input field. Hope it helps. Early Merry Christmas and happy new year!

    That’s the method I’m trying- thank you. There’s no sign that the change has completed. I let it work on it for a half hour. No change. 


    8 hours ago, AffinityMakesMeSmile said:

    There will NOT be any iPad version of Affinity Publisher in near future…

    Serif Labs hasn’t even an ready alpha version of Publisher ready, so it’s not any prioritizing of iPad just now…

    If ever, perhaps summer/fall 2023 we maybe can get the beta version, and, in WWDC in Palo Alto june 2024 it may be released… Maybe…

    I have recently began using Nomad Sculpt on iPad, and, this 3D one man developing software is really awesome, and it clearly proof that Serif could do better with Designer - it lacks so many core features after all this years, although Serif has a lot of resources compare to single person software companies…

    So, you’re disappointed that a laggard software developer hasn’t yet released a software tool which is sure to be inferior?

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