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Posts posted by VectorCat

  1. Seriously? This topic is still going on? I certainly celebrate peoples' right to talk about what they want to, but across the spectrum of software issues, the icon for Affinity products is a concern?

    Ugliest, most worstest icon ever? OK..let's see here....

    Lightwave 3D - also great software. The icon is..exactly what? Sonic the Hedgehog on bad liquor?

    Same goes Blender 3D - only with a spike haircut? what do either icons have to do with 3D? Nuttin'.

    QuarkXPress - the name has zero to do with design, and the icons have been...meh...

    Scribus: Uses a fountainpen? Huh?

    Inkscape: a snow-covered mountain with ink dribbles..looks cool, but what's it got to do with vector drawing?

    Apple? because Steve Jobs worked at an orchard and for a time ate nothing but apples, which made him stinky. How very sexy!

    Product Icons must do 2 things: be recognizable, be distinct. All of the logos mentioned here do that, including Affinity's. As someone here mentioned, Affinity's icons make all their products look like they're part of a set. Kinda like Adobe's. Kinda like microsnot, etc.

    Continue to chew this cud if you want but Affinity's software rocks and their logos do what logos are needed to do.

  2. I've used AD since it was released in November of 2014. My first impression, which has held, is that the developers have a new vision of what a Vector program can be like. I think it's a solid vision. IMO, if anyone's stuck in the 90s with a little splash of the 2000s, it's adobe, who I regard as a sad case of greed disease..a company that once made great software tools and chose to milk customers rather than to innovate.

    I feel the same about Mac OS and have stopped upgrading my Macs. I will probably not buy another Mac, having gone to Linux, which doesn't exert the same pressure to upgrade every year or so. If Apple could relax and support their machines for longer, I'd stay, but it seems that Apple desires a customer with money to burn. That isn't me, nor will it ever be me.

    On the Linux side, I've found software tools that do what I need them to do. I won't bother arguing whether or not they're "just like Adobe." Happily, they are not.

    If AD were offered for Linux, I'd grab it on the spot, but I respect the costs of developing software versus the numbers of potential customers; if it doesn't pencil out, you can't do it unless somebody hands you a suitcase full of money.

    I am a designer/illustrator with 30 years' experience and I can testify that there's nothing important which AD doesn't do that AI offers. However, there are significant things Illustrator doesn't do, or doesn't do well, that AD offers, or excels at. Not the least of which is that AD is well-behaved software. Not burdened by bloaty code and the workflow is solid and reliable.

    That's my 2 piasters.

  3. Is the Flood selection tool AP's implementation of a magic wand tool?


    Is there a tool which behaves a little more...magic-wandy in terms of more fine control, and less all-or-nothing selection?


    I assume AP has its own way of selecting based on color...thanks for any tips!



    I may be making my own discoveries by playing with the tolerance value (which had earlier seemed sort of "all-or-nothing")

  4. I've been using this software for about 35 minutes. I'm not disappointed..I grabbed AD when it was initially offered in 2014 and AP is at the same great level which users of Affinity software have been treated to.


    Both feel very well thought out, which is not small aspect of using software for 8 hours/day, and I feel that with Affinity tools, I can do whatever I want to.


    Nicely done!

  5. Is there a way to control how many points result from a stroke that's converted to curves? Especially simple  strokes such as: a straight-line segment with round caps (the shape of a pill, basically).


    If we were to make such a shape ourselves, there'd be 6 points. AD winds up with probably 20 points, and some of them move from where they ought to be.


    Thank you for any thoughts on this!

  6. When I place an image 570 px wide into AD, the resulting placed object is 760px wide!


    Why would this be? I did not scale the object; merely placed it.


    And let me be very clear about my exact steps....


    With an AD document open..one which I've been using in my workflow, one not set up for retina images, I placed an image whose width in pixels is 570. I only placed the image; I did not scale, skew, distort or in anyway modify its size, aspect ratio, or any other attribute.



    Thank you!

  7. I have a PDF of an illustration originally created in Adobe Illustrator.


    I have successfully opened this PDF in AD 1.5.4


    I seem only to be able to select objects when I am in Outline mode, and when direct-selecting using the Node tool.


    Is this correct behavor? Is there a way to interact with objects normally when they are in a PDF opened up by AD?


    Thank you

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