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Everything posted by akula7

  1. It works, e.g. with standard setting PDF (digital-small size). It is, of course, only about customer PDFs. The fact that the pixel formats can be reduced can also be confirmed visually.
  2. I make a lifestyle magazine, since the third issue already completely with Publisher, away from InDesign. The exported PDF files, e.g. intended for the web, are much larger than InDesign. Why is that? Are some PDFs customer adverts not rasterised? Are the native adverts from Designer or even Publisher not compressed when exported? If I know which placed adverts cannot be compressed, I could convert them to JPEG for web version. Does anyone have any tips for me?
  3. The problem has NOT been fixed! The problem occurs with 2.2.1 version and this is not only with Euroscale Coated V2, as announced, but also with others, e.g. PSO Uncoated v.3. This is incredibly annoying! What should you do with a magazine of 28 pages if the PDF is to be printed and you don't know where to look for the error???
  4. Das Problem wurde eben NICHT behoben! Das Problem tritt bei 2.2.1-Version und das ist nicht nur bei Euroscale Coated V2, wie angekündigt, sondern bei anderen auch, z.B. PSO Uncoated v.3. Das ist unheimlich ärgerlich! Was soll man bei einem Magazin aus 28 Seiten tun, wenn die PDF in Druck soll und du weiss nicht, wo man den Fehler suchen könnte???
  5. No, Quark does not have this problem. I worked with Quark when InDesign did not exist I don't think it's about Adobe licences. After all, the separation works with pdf 1.7 compatibility, but not with x-3/4
  6. "Yes, this is a true problem -- it is unthinkable that 3rd party providers would be required to deliver material in so specific format as e.g. PDF/X-4 " The question remains whether the developers are aware of this problem. Affinity is really a great suite, but without this problem being erased, Publischer really cannot be used professionally. I haven't heard any comments from the developers, maybe they don't know that this is a real problem?
  7. Hi Hangman, of course, the client PDFs are not pdf/3/4 standard compatible. That is the problem. Among other things, I also produce a regional magazine. I get 50 advertisements from all kinds of sources, some of them self-made Corel Draw PDFs. Sometimes people don't even know what colour management means. But if they have created 100K in Corel Draw or somewhere else, no matter which profile, InDesign does not separate black into 4c. This also seems to be the case with Publisher, but only in pdf 1.7 compatibility. Attached are the advertisements individually. Plakat23.pdf Zöller.pdf Anzeige-93-136-2-1-pfad.pdf
  8. Anyway, thanks for the quick help!
  9. Hello, my tests also with the just released version 2.1 have shown that export with PDF 1.7 - setting actually separates the file correctly. However, x-3 and x-4 export separates the file incorrectly. The problem is that the printers (at least in Germany) need x-3 or x-4 compatibility. If the separation works correctly with PDF 1.7, it is also a small step to separation X-compatibility, isn't it? That would be a breakthrough, it would be great if they could fix the bug.
  10. I'll send you a publisher file with client ads. Try exporting a press PDF so that black is separated as 100k. test separation.afpub
  11. Hi Nathan, two PDFs are placed in InDesign. Left page - PDF from Publisher with customer ads, right page - PDF exported from InDesign with the same customer ads. If you switch on Separation Preview in InDesign, you can see the differences. On the screenshot with black switched off you can see that black is separated from Publisher, whereas on the right side black is not visible (switched off). The Ad (Zöller) is created in Affinity Designer with the same profile as in the Publisher export, so it is separated correctly. If I create this Ad with the other profile as in Export from Publisher, black is also separated as 4c. The setting in Publisher for Ads - Content/Passthrough. This is the problem - In advertisements from clients, black is separated in 4c. Do you understand what I mean?
  12. I don't know if this is a bug or intentional, I thought it would be better with version 2, but it is the same as in the first version. The external files (from Affinity Designer or PDFs) are only separated correctly if the colour profiles are the same. That is, the created and exported files (PDF) with the same profile as the Publisher files are exported to "Print PDF". As long as everything happens in-house, one can live with this. But the problem with the customer PDF remains insurmountable. Black is mercilessly separated, although correctly created in the customer PDF, i.e. K:100. I've been trying to get away from Adobe for two years, but this single problem keeps me away, even though Affinity Suite is really cool, especially in the second version. I've spent hours on it, tried all sorts of settings - all to no avail! This single bug makes this great app practically unusable in Professional, considering how many publications rely on external PDFs. Or have I missed something and not found the right setting?
  13. Hi Gabe, I have exactly the same problem, I thought with version 2 it will be better, but is the same as in the first version. The external files (from Affinity Designer or PDFs) are only separated correctly if the color profiles are the same. I.e., the files created and exported (PDF) with the same profile as Publisher files are exported to Print PDF. As long as everything happens in-house, you can live with it. But the problem with the customer PDF remains impassable. Black is separated mercilessly, although in the customer PDF is correctly created, so, K:100. I've been trying to get away from Adobe for two years, but this single problem prevents me from doing so, although Affinity Suite is really cool, especially in the second version. I have spent hours on it, tried all possible settings - all in vain! Did I miss something after all?
  14. I didn't understand that now. What do you have in common with it? In Publisher you cannot make separated PDF, only composite.
  15. Now I like Publisher so much that I only work with it even though I have InDesign and QuarkXpress. The only big problem is separation preview. At the moment I am creating print PDF in Publisher, then exporting PDF to InDesign and switching on the separation preview. I really miss the feature! Otherwise it would be a great tool!
  16. What about PDF import? The problem with native import not solved again? Why do the developers understand that Publisher is not suitable for professional use without this feature? Any external ad that appears in flyers / brochures / booklets / magazines becomes a problem. None of the layouters will deal with the installation of the countless fonts. Too bad, it's a great program, unfortunately currently only for hobby area.
  17. I was so happy about Final version of Publisher. Unfortunately, the tool without PDF import with embedded fonts is absolutely not suitable! Every publisher, every freelancer works with ads. And the ads are delivered as PDF, it's a standard. Without this feature, unfortunately, very good program is absolutely useless! I just started a project with Publisher, but I have to go back to InDesign, unfortunately :-(((
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