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Willy Pimentel

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    Orlando Florida

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  1. I actually launched the photo app and clieck allow. well, it crashed…. here is the report from apple’s Crash.rtf
  2. affinity is crashing on me everytime i open the program and select allow… Something is happening!! I have to click on don’t to work on appfinity phonto 2.2 and now 2.2.1 I just update and it is still showing this window
  3. I am like the biggest cheerleader and i want affinity to succeed, I just seems that the company now is not listening to users. I pains me to report that once again, The bug on Imacs M1 Using Icloud desktop crashing whenever you use export persona continues in the latest update!! Screen Recording 2022-12-21 at 12.59.34 PM.mov
  4. It is a local drive but i fixed it copying the layer to a new document and on the new one merging the compound layers. i was accessing a bad compound clip and it would not let me do anything at all. thanks for replaying..
  5. Cannot save my current document anywhere. What is going on on Aphoto v2? What can i do?
  6. I have send a email to support, to the people on the board and to these board. It is a shame this issues were not solved on V2 when so many people are having this issues. One Good Thing is: Thanks @Dan C for replaying my email.
  7. I am Using the Latest macos Ventura 13.0.1, iMac Apple M1, 16 GB. I am using Icloud as my desktop folder It is a problem if you guys cannot reproduce this problem. It has been ongoing forever on M1s mac when using iCloud as your desktop folder
  8. the App is great!! Don't get me wrong.. the Update is underwhelming. If we are to pay for an upgrade, them, previous bugs needed to be fixed.. it seems to me that the the team writing new code is awesome and the one squashing bugs is something else!!! I reported this issed on December 30, 2021 It is still happening. @Affinity Designer @Affinity Support Is any management reading this forums..
  9. Well, It is still Crashing!!! Export Persona is so important to me, I rally thought this would be fixed on V2!!! Imac M1 Mac using Metal Well...
  10. I agree with that idea. BUt I have Publisher. If I have bought the program, them those features should appear there simply because i mainly know how to use Designer and not publisher. if i bought it, it should be part of it....
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