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  1. I just wanted to let everyone know that Monotype, the creators of FontExplorer X, told me via a tweet that they definitely have Affinity products on their radar for integration. This is really good news, however as with all software development they have not been able to provide a timeline. I recommend that everyone who wants font activation and enjoy using FontExplorer X as much as I have over the past 10 years, should contact them and let them know there is a huge community wanting auto font activation. It's such a pain to do it manually. See below. @nathan_ford @monotype This is definitely on our radar, and we agree that Affinity apps are impressive. Thank you for your input, Chris! 2/27/20
  2. Also add to the list Font Explorer X. It's much more powerful than RightFont. However Font Explorer won't develop a plugin until enough Affinity users request one. Font Explorer X can be used in Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop and Quark and is a great font management tool. I've used it for years and it's ranked as one of the best font tools you can buy. I posted a feature request below to get Affinity users to contact Font Explorer and show interest: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/25558-font-explorer-x/ The developers of Font Explorer X can be reached here: twitter @FontExplorerX web http://www.fontexplorerx.com/contact email: info@fontexplorerx.com
  3. I have sent the developers of Font Explorer X a request to develop plugins for Affinity Designer, Photo and Publisher but I need your help if we want to see this happen. Font Explorer is an application that auto-activates fonts for applications, and is a must have for designers who use hundreds of fonts. Please contact Font Explorer and let them know you are interested in there being a plugin for Affinity products. They have developed plugins for Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop and they work really well. However, they will not develop a plugin for Affinity unless we show there is a demand for plugins. The developers of Font Explorer X can be reached here: twitter @FontExplorerX web http://www.fontexplorerx.com/contact email: info@fontexplorerx.com Thanks everyone!
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