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Everything posted by R C-R

  1. To me, the only possible confusing thing about it is that there can be several objects in the picture frame but only one of them (the one with a diagonal cross icon in the layers panel) will be rotated, scaled, or moves using the frame's controls. Otherwise, the status bar makes clear what each of those controls affect.
  2. This is at least in part because currently macros store results, not actions, so a save step in a macro would include the file path, which may not even exist or be available at a later time. Hopefully, the promised scripting functions will make this more feasible at some point in the future.
  3. It is not a bug, nor is it illogical. If you use the rotator control inside the frame (the one that looks like a curve in a circle) you are rotating the content of the picture frame, not the picture frame itself. Note that the status bar says "Rotate Picture Frame content within the frame" when you place the pointer over that control's icon, so there should be no confusion about it if you pay attention to that helpful hint about how this works. You also can confirm this is what you have done & see exactly by how much you have rotated it (the content!!!) if you select it (the content!!!) in the Layers panel & refer to the Transform panel, where you can change the rotation by entering an exact rotation value there. Note that you can also simply double-click anywhere in the picture frame in the document window except on its rotator & move control icons to automatically select the content instead of the frame. All this & more is explained in great detail the Picture Frame help topic. In particular, the "To resize, position and rotate framed content:" section identifies these controls & how they work.
  4. As the link @PaulEC referred to suggests, try looking in the Window > Studio submenu to make sure both show right & left studios are enabled, & that Hide Studio is disabled. (You probably accidentally used the Hide Studio keyboard shortcut.)
  5. What is the actual physical width of the paper roll you are using? Is it either of those two dimensions?
  6. However, the extra node may be so close to the one you are aiming for that you may have to zoom in very, very far just to notice that it has been added, & it may be hard to decide which one should be deleted. So to sum it all up, the simplest, most accurate, & fastest way to cut the line apart is to do what @GarryP suggested & use the Node Tool to break it at a node. You can also get guaranteed accurate results using the scissor-cut plus boolean divide method at the cost of one more step. Your method may or may not require more steps & more effort to get accurate results, so to me it seems the least desirable one. As always, YMMV. 😉
  7. OK, but using 'knife mode' like that is imprecise -- it is hard to make the cut pass exactly through a node rather than a bit to one side, resulting in extra nodes.
  8. It is also part of the Geometry button group so if there is room for that 5 button group on the toolbar it can be very handy.
  9. I did not mean the undo was the only way to force the update, but regardless I will stand by my assertion that it should not be necessary to do anything for it to update.
  10. Which is why I said "I always have to switch to the Node tool to do that." See above.
  11. Then why are you posting this here instead of in the Feedback & Suggestions forum?
  12. So you are saying that you can use the Knife Tool to move a node that you have cut using scissors mode? I cannot do that -- with the Knife Tool selected I cannot move any node. I always have to switch to the Node tool to do that.
  13. I cannot do that with the Knife (scissors) tool but I can with the Node Tool. But regardless, in the Layers panel the two parts are displayed as just one Curve (not Curves) layer, which I think is not the expected behavior. Not sure what you mean. There is only one Knife tool; it just has two modes, clicking (which uses the scissors icon) & dragging (which uses the Knife icon). From the help topic: This implies to me that it should result in the same "polycurve" (which I assume means a Curves layer in Affinity-speak) regardless of where the scissors-cut is done. But it doesn't. If I use the Boolean add on the cut open curve (which as expected causes it do disappear) & then undo that, the Layers panel updates correctly to show that it is a Curves layer, but I think it should not be necessary to do that.
  14. I must be doing something stupid because when I use the Knife tool & just click on the nodes you show circled in red (as opposed to trying to draw a cut through them) so the tool changes to the scissor shape, it doesn't seem to actually cut the lines until/unless I then use the Divide button to separate them into two parts. The same thing happens in a new document with just a single line -- clicking on any of its nodes with the Knife Tool does not cut it into two curves until I use the divide button. IIRC, clicking on a node with the Knife tool used to cut it into two curves so is this maybe a bug in the current 2.5.7 version? The drag-cut method still works to automatically split the curve into multiple parts so it is just the click cut that isn't working as I expected.
  15. I am not sure what tool you mean by "vector brush," but assuming you are using Affinity Designer, have you tried using the Pencil Tool with the Stabilizer disabled? Assuming you mean the AD Pencil Tool, where do you see a smoothness setting for it?
  16. @Oufti, I think the OP may be talking about items like Tab Stops, Justification, Flow Options, etc. that are too large in the panel itself, not text in the document.
  17. It's because AP always displays documents using the pixel view mode, forcing curved objects to display with antialiasing visible. If you have AD, open the same document, & do not use any of its pixel view modes, you will see that the vector shapes are actually resolution-independent.
  18. If I understand what you mean correctly, those color settings determine the defaults for new documents but they do not have any effect on documents already saved with another profile.
  19. You should post this to the feature requests forum because that is the best way to insure that the developers (& policy makers) will see it. The forum moderators may pass that along to them but as they currently seem to be struggling to keep up with topics here in the desktop questions forum it could be a long time before they have time to pass it along.
  20. It would help to know which Affinity app(s) you have & if you are using a Mac or Windows system. That said, it may be worth considering using the Assets panel to store your components instead of opening each one in a separate document window. Then you could just create one document for each page (or assuming you are using Affinity Publisher one document for each project) or if using Affinity Designer then one artboard for each page, although using Affinity Publisher would be best.
  21. If you save your open files, you should be able to use the New Batch Job item in AP to export JPEG versions, but it only works with saved files.
  22. In the Window > Text submenu there should be a Text Styles item.
  23. It should be in the Paragraph > Spacing subsection but as you probably have discovered there are no vertical alignment options there.
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