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Petar Petrenko

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Everything posted by Petar Petrenko

  1. Thanks, Bruce. Because of you I will change my way of thinking regarding this matter. I will work this way from now on: margins will always be set to 0 when creating a new document; I will create a grid on master pages; draw linked text boxes that snap to the guides of my choice; import the text on the main pages.
  2. And how would Publisher know what are the boundaries for adjusting the text frame?
  3. As first, I created this example in InDesign because there is no option in Publisher for creating grids that span the whole page or spread -- only to the margins. The grid color is Cyan, the margins are in magenta and I drew the green rectangle to show where I need the margins to be repositioned. Repositioning them by entering numbers is too slow and not so precise. Why I do need this? Maybe for interior part of a book design?
  4. Hi, let say I created a 9 x 9 grid on master pages. Now, I would like margins to snap to any of the guides and doing that by changing numeric values needs much more time than draging them to the desired positions.
  5. How about revert creating the ruler guides? Vertical ruler guide(s) are created by dragging from the horizontal ruler and vice versa. This way we can easily position the guide according the ruler.
  6. Hi, it would be very useful if you made these changes into "View > Guides" panel: different gutter settings for rows and columns; guides should be page (and spread) related, too -- not only to margins.
  7. Of course I start with a specific document size in Photo, just as in Designer and Publisher. After that I place images and adjust them except that I can't crop them.
  8. Hi, when you select the crop tool in Designer or Publisher it matches the selected object(s), but in Photo it selects the whole canvas. Why it doesn't work the same way as in AD or APub? When you create a new document it should be the size you wanted for that document. And if you want to change it later, you can do it by changing the size of the document. The same way you change the size of the artboard in AD or the size of the page in APub.
  9. Maybe a list of all available formats with checkboxes to select the formats you need?
  10. It would be nice all missing tools from Toolsbar to be included in it by default, otherwise how we (and new customers) could now if such a tool exist or not?
  11. Hi, is it possible v2 tutorials to be placed in a playlist -- as the v1 -- so they can be downloaded faster?
  12. This way you can lost all local formating (bold, italic...).
  13. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=publisher+data+merge
  14. Oh, yes. It was produced with ID.
  15. I don't know what app was used to produce the PDF because I downloaded it from a web site.
  16. Here is a PDF file (original.pdf) that was imported in v.2 of Publisher and produced the same errors as in v.1 (marked with magenta in original in Publisher v.2.pdf). Original in Publisher v.2.pdf Original.pdf
  17. You can modify/check your working profile everytime you create a new document under "File > New > Color".
  18. Are they cruical for the job? If so, start a new thread in Features request forum.
  19. No roadmaps for the users. They have their internal one. Any new features will be added when the second number in the version number increases: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3...
  20. What is your working profile and do you have "Preferences > Color > Convert to working profile" checked?
  21. Why don't you explore Snapping tool (on the toolbar) in depth? There are plenty of options and I believe you will find the right one.
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