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  1. GarryP thank you, Im having a dig round...its a bit confusing. If I right click on the selected frame it brings up a list with Frame Properties - which includes an option to 'Size frame to content' it never appears ticked but seems to toggle either way. The little handle does not appear - but I can still drag size the whole thing using the corner dot. Selecting this option seems to enable sizing the way I want (post scale/crop)- So the other way enables cropping/scaling ... There is the Frame properties in the context tool bar marked x on snip attached - but this has options which dont seem to apply to my issue.
  2. @GarryP Thanks - attached full screen. Having scaled and cropped the image within text frame I then wish to be able to tweak size overall, and rotate - ie frame and pic together so as to find best position/size in montage.
  3. In the attached snip the picture I've selected shows the rotation and sizing handles - so I can rotate and size the picture frame including its image. If I select some of my other images - the sizing handle does not appear so I cannot do this - how do I activate thison any pic frame I select? I need to be able to drag size or rotate the pic frame and itss image.
  4. I think I've sorted the problem - it appears to get a completely right angled corner - ie 'mitred' the Mitre value on the right of those buttons needs to be set to a value above 1. 2 or above gives me a completely right angled border using the mitred corner .......1 bevels it ! Who'd have thunk it ? Anyway thanks for help ....got there I think.
  5. @joe_l Thanks for Picture Frame suggestion and please accept my apologies for being rather a pest.....I place picture/convert layer to picture frame - I can see this gives me the cropping/scaling/positioning options allied to a picture frame. Do I then apply, post all that, the usual stroke options from upper menu bar - this seems to work but I cant get a right angled corner - that mitred option doesn't seem to work though the bevel and round do...its like cropping affects the stroke options, as before ?
  6. I deleted photo and replaced, uncropped - Then added stroke using stroke options - all fine incl outside align and square cornered... But - if I crop the image the stroke disappears whether I apply the stroke pre or post crop ? Unfortunately most of the images im using have to be cropped/sized in place.
  7. @GarryP - thanks - I can see stroke settings - see attached, but cant see an option for inside or outside image - only in front or behind. If I go behind the stroke is not visible. If in front it eats into image - maybe Im missing something ? Affinity Publisher on Windows 10/desktop pc
  8. Im creating a photo montage - just want to add simple square cornered white border to photos - snip attached. I started by applying Outline in layer FX (image A)- but realise I only seem to be able to vary width of stroke via radius slider - which also puts a round corner on. Is there a way to get the outline square cornered using Layer FX? I tried just putting a stroke round the object using the stroke feature - but this eats into the image (Image B) rather than adding to the outside - even when I alter the various settings in the stroke settings panel. What's the best way ?
  9. Thanks for further comments on this, useful as my next magazine project approaches - @gianni.brienza I'd be grateful for clarification of "paste image inline - don't float it". What are the correct steps for pasting inline? And what is floating. Thank You.
  10. Thanks all for replies 🙂 I will try the various very useful suggestions before considering a monitor switch.
  11. I produce a 32pp A4 portrait magazine. I've switched over from MS Publisher. Affinity obvs a lot more powerful. The studio panels I use regularly take up some of the screen. I like to be able to work with a full A4 page in view to see visual balance of objects/text/images/margins in each page, and also for some text editing. I'm getting by, with a lot of zoom switching. I just wondered if a move to 24" or 27" might give me a bit more space to view page in.
  12. I'm struggling a bit with a 22" monitor - what sizes do users recommend?
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